[url=http://www.kwch.com/news/kwch-jcg-westboro-leader-quits-and-apologizes-for-churchs-activities-20130206,0,4888133.story]Full story here[/url]
What do you think about this? Can you simply just quit and say "sorry"? Does that absolve you of everything you've done?
Yes, sorry does absolve them(her and her sister for those that didn't read carefully). They seem to have changed their ways, and they've apologized (seemingly) sincerely, for any pain they've caused. Do you forgive your friend when you have an argument and one or both sides sincerely apologizes? Of course(or at least I hope you do, lol). It's not like they've killed anyone or anything, so I can't see why a simple "we're sorry, we see now that we were wrong" wouldn't be enough. Plus you gotta remember they were brought up in a cult more or less, which basically means they've been taught that what they've been doing is right all their lives, it's difficult to break away from that sorta thing. Good on em for breaking away, hopefully people won't give em too much hell, and other members will follow their example and leave WBC aswell.