This isn't about ME3's ending, but feel free to mention that too because it is relevant
It comes out of nowhere without being foreshadowed once and somehow appears in the Mars archives despite being there for years while the humans controlled it. What the fu
It nullifies the main plot of all three games:
- It nullifies ME1's plot in the ending, but I'm not going to open that can of worms now (ME3 already negated it before anyway by contradicting the Reapers' cycle)
- It nullifies ME2's plot by replacing anything and everything that could possibly could have been used as a plot device in said game, making it pointless
- It nullifies ME3's supposed main plot of gathering the races and war assets to take back Earth and the galaxy by making an entirely new plot instead, build the Crucible to stop the Reapers. We see how this turned out, they basically get thrown in to a blender to become energy for the Crucible and since everything you do results in war assets...
If they really did want to use the Crucible, it should have been introduced in ME2 and it should have had a completely different effect
On top of that, no one questions it at all, despite it never working before. Who the hell thought the Crucible (as it is) was a good idea?
I'm sure this brought up before but I thought it would be interesting to discuss
Its one big Deus Ex. If they'd mentioned it in ME2 or something, I would be thinking a little differently.