originally posted in:Mythic Members
I originally saw this topic on Reddit, but what are some seemingly miniscule things that a person could say to you that would make you instantly loathe them?[quote][/quote]I was at Subway and heard a girl pronounce the word 'Italian' as "Eye-talian," the most white trash butchering of a word's pronunciation that I can think of. It's a pet peeve of mine for sure, and it may be a small mistake, but it never fails to raise my blood pressure some.
Eye-literacy must really be a bitch.
When people on facebook or even in real life say "trying to" or "tryna" in front of an action when they mean to ask if someone would like to do something with them. Example: "Anyone tryinta hangbout tonight?" "Who's tryina go to the movies tonight?" Oh god. I want to impale them.
"Axe" instead of "Ask" It's like... REALLY?!
I don't know about hate, but the one thing that really gets me going is when someone learns I'm colorblind and then spends the next fifteen minutes pointing at things and asking me what color it is. While not as extreme, it would be like pointing at stairs and asking why someone in a wheelchair couldn't just [i]climb [/i]them, for Pete's sake.
I am not a fast enough typist to avoid dying of old age before listing everything.
When people say "it twas" Makes sense bro
Saying "allow it", but meaning it in the context of "dont do that". IT DOS'NT MAKE SENSE!!!
Someone spouting such bad science that they assume is true, especially when it acts as cover for being a closet racist. Case in point: [quote]Birth location is determined by who your parents are, and each person is different because we are endowed with different advantages and disadvantages at birth. As far as we know, one race may be far further along the path of evolution than another, and people saying everyone is "equal" could be completely wrong. Although definitely, we should all be nice to eachother and treats others as though we are equals. Just some thoughts.[/quote] So many dicks were raged at "path of evolution".
People who try to give me high fives, or say that they are pumped.
Whenever someone says "lie-berry" as opposed to library. That and whenever I hear someone state "I've got an idear" as opposed to "I've got an idea."
One that I picked up from the Reddit thread that I've heard a million times from underachieving idiots: "My IQ is very high, I just don't assert myself." Or on the flip side: "I'm not book smart, but I'm street smart." It really seems like something stupid people tell themselves so they can sleep soundly.
"Le" Even when I see it on the internet, which is ironic since you found this on Reddit.
When people try to write "secession" and end up writing "succession."
Edited by ROBERTO jh: 2/11/2013 12:32:45 PMPeople who claim to know everything there is to know about something without knowing hardly any of the facts or understanding them.
You know how some people add an upwards inflection at the end of their sentences? Yeah, that.
When people tell me to "axe" someone instead of "ask" them. I will reconstruct your face if I catch you doing that. No anaesthetics.
"Cartoons are for little kids."
People who instantly claim that the only reason I prefer an older version of something is because of my, "nostalgia," "nostalgia goggles," "rose-tinted glasses," or any thing like that. Idiots.
When people never shut the -blam!- up and don't know what they're talking about Example: I met this 20-something year old a year ago who didn't work because of his "illness" (ADHD), and went balls up whenever you mentioned Microsoft. "Hurr durr Xbox Live is crap, it's filled with Zelda haters and Mario haters, Skyrim is crap, it's just like CoD. Hurr durr you're a -blam!-tard if you don't like Zelda." Yeah, he was a huge Zelda fanboy. He was also a mod on the Creepypasta Wiki, too, until I trolled the -blam!- outta him. FSD:KFEKKLSDFWEIFKJ -blam!- I hate him so much!
Edited by Wyldfyre: 2/10/2013 2:47:13 PMWhen they start or finish sentences with "think about it...", as if what they've said or going to say is something that I'm too stupid to have ever thought about without their help. I also can't stand egotism or traditionalism.
Vegans. They never keep it to themselves, they MUST tell the universe that they eat vegetables only. And as I was eating my chicken sandwich, this vegan girl was saying how eating chicken screws with pH level and it increases the risk of cancer. I hate vegans lol
I would start listing things but I'd be typing all day.