originally posted in:Mythic Members
One that I picked up from the Reddit thread that I've heard a million times from underachieving idiots: "My IQ is very high, I just don't assert myself."
Or on the flip side: "I'm not book smart, but I'm street smart." It really seems like something stupid people tell themselves so they can sleep soundly.
I don't assert myself. y u h8in bro?
Street smarts > Book smarts
I will eat your soul.
but its true.
Like I said, "Street Smarts" is something stupid people tell themselves they have so they feel less inadequate.
Not at all. Having street smarts is very important. And like I said, If I HAD to choose to have book smarts or street smarts, I'd pick street smarts in a heartbeat. Luckily I dont have to choose and can have both.
You'd pick 'Street Smarts' in a heartbeat because, as Primo says, you're stupid, and are therefore unable to make the intelligent decision.
I dont think Im unintelligent...I mean I have a pretty good degree. So I must have some form of intelligence. I just believe that street smarts are a lot more important than book smarts. Book smarts wont get you far without street smarts.
Street smarts aren't important if you don't live the lifestyle required for them. That can be attained through booksmarts. Also if everybody was 'streetsmart', who would discover and create?
Who gives a shit about discovering and creating? What am I an artist? Every lifestyle needs street smarts.
[quote]Who gives a shit about discovering and creating? What am I an artist? Every lifestyle needs street smarts.[/quote] Artist, Scientist, Engineer, Journalist, Historian...... Given the choice, you'd prefer the world to stay how we found it?
[quote][quote]Who gives a shit about discovering and creating? What am I an artist? Every lifestyle needs street smarts.[/quote] Artist, Scientist, Engineer, Journalist, Historian...... Given the choice, you'd prefer the world to stay how we found it?[/quote] Yep. Its gotten alot worse
You're weird
What's the difference?
Book smart = college degree Street Smart = you know what street you live on and can perform small tasks well.
I THOUGHT this thread sounded familiar, lol. You thief.
Hey, at least I was up front about it. It was a great idea for a thread! (On AskReddit)
[quote]One that I picked up from the Reddit thread that I've heard a million times from underachieving idiots: "My IQ is very high, I just don't assert myself."[/quote] Yeah that's a good one. "I'm very intelligent but I don't try" apparently describes half of reddit.