I don't even...
I lost my legs to an imaginary grenade once.
I hope he was sent to imaginary jail.
That's the dumbest crap ever.
Come on, the kid was trying to save the world. How is that bad? We shouldn't be teaching kids that guns are bad.
My condolences to the imaginary families of the imaginary victims.
what the hell. I remember in 2nd grade, we would make paper lightsabers and pistols and play starwars. wtf happened?
We should ban children.
Are you kidding me?
So if my nephew goes "pew pew" with his fingers he will get suspended?
Funny, the comments section mentions this article related to the one SK linked (see above). Until I know the full truth I'm not siding with either the district nor the mother. Both could be BSing.
Our imaginary Constitution states that we have the right to bear imaginary arms: this was a law enacted to stop abuse of power by any imaginary governments created in an imaginary setting. This incident is a clear violation of these rights, and should be treated as such.
Seriously stupid.
Edited by CAMMCAM: 2/10/2013 4:52:38 PMYou shall not be kids anymore! You will grow up right now and not have any kind of imagination, ever.. again! My nephew has imaginary guns but he knows not to point them at anyone because, ya know... he could hurt someone.
Imaginary weapons are no laughing matter. If he wasn't careful, he might have pretended to hurt someone.
Edited by Banned Man 3000: 2/10/2013 3:53:56 PMGod damn it
I'm out.
Edited by DELIVER ME MEMES: 2/10/2013 3:09:08 AMPC at it's worst. go not using logic!
Should I be arrested for dreaming about robbing a bank?
Well, that was one of the dumbest things I have read thus far into the year.
I guess Lord Obama has banned imagination too.
I would suspend him to. Those teachers were looking out for the safety of every person in that building. Have you watched Dragon Ball Z? There's this attack called the "Bang Beam." [url=]There are different ways of doing it, but here's how the kid did it.[/url] When Vegeta said "bang" a beam fired from his index finger and killed a Namek. Now only imagine what would have happen if the kid pointed his finger at some kid and said "bang." Like I said those teachers were looking out for the safety of every person in that building.
They should have expelled the kid. Imaginary weapons are weapons designed to kill. They have no other purpose than to hurt or maim imaginary creatures (even imaginary people) with as much violence as possible. Does a child really need to have an imaginary grenade? Does he or she need to cause violent imaginary explosives? No. Imaginary weapons not only lead to the pain, suffering, and death of imaginary beings (whose rights are completely ignored by the children), but they desensatize children to violence. Obviously a kid who shoots pretend people with a fake gun is a lot more likely to shoot real people with real guns. All the school did here was potentially prevent a future school shooting by scaring this individual straight. The punishment should be more severe so other children won't begin to copy him though. I hope reason prevails and imaginary weapons are banned from schools nationwide so we can enjoy a peaceful future for kids everywhere.
Thank God they didn't find the imaginary AK-47 the kid has stashed away in the imaginary bunker. Lord knows how many imaginary friends he could have killed that day. I, for one, am glad that this menace to society has been banished from corrupting the minds of his peers.