A bunch of Sangheili... Reminds me of Noble Team.
The Destiny Snow concept art on my Mac. The DayZ Standalone announcement concept art on my PC.
Nothing fancy
Edited by Big Black Bear: 2/11/2013 5:42:54 PM
Edited by Joyeuse7: 2/11/2013 6:03:15 PMBecause optical illusions are awesome.
That. Because Zoroark is -blam!-ing awesome.
203 (The number increases every day) images of the cosmos.
me n my mlg team practising in my friends basement.
It would probably be this, but I'm currently using the Destiny Concept art as a background. Gruul Clan best Clan.
I'd be willing to change it for another minimalist black/white pic, but it's OK
Edited by BerzerkCommando: 2/11/2013 6:33:27 PMSometimes it's also this. Sauce: http://konachan.com/post/show/89845
Edited by BerzerkCommando: 2/11/2013 6:33:04 PMThis. Sauce: http://konachan.com/post/show/79622/dress-gia-gun-headphones-mecha-original-sword-thig
Currently this. I change it a lot, though.
Need I say more? http://gyazo.com/8d4f2eb44bba7407afff7afbbdcbfd7f
I rotate through a folder of pictures of mars and the moon until I find some other wallpaper I really like.
It changes every now and then, but right now it's this.