I don't want to go into detail, but I've done some f.ucked up s.hit to other people as a young child and when I was 11-12 or so. I also used to steal things and stuff like that. Now, a few years later, I have aged and looking back I really regret it. A day doesn't go by where I don't feel ashamed and regret because I was so quick to lose my innocence in this world. It makes me wonder if there is something wrong with me, because I see so many people who don't have problems like these. Its been really heavy on my mind for far too long and I just feel like sharing with HF.
Apart from that I am normal and happy, and have a few friends. Its just once I remember s.hit like this my whole mood changes and it upsets me.
You can't help the past, don't linger on it. Look towards the future and just strive to do better.