[url=http://www.kwch.com/news/kwch-jcg-westboro-leader-quits-and-apologizes-for-churchs-activities-20130206,0,4888133.story]Full story here[/url]
What do you think about this? Can you simply just quit and say "sorry"? Does that absolve you of everything you've done?
She is apologizing for her actions and is deeply sorry for the pain she has inflicted. I am always open to apologies, I'm an extremely forgiving person, so this is good news to me. Personally, I really don't care what she's done in the past. If she is deeply regretful, her worst fear at this point is rejection. Imagen that you've done so many horrible things in the past, but you realize the error of your ways, and nobody acknowledges it. It's an absolutely horrible feeling.