[quote]Use this script to visit every day, [url]http://db.tt/n1sY4E7j[/url] [b]Good Hunting. [/b][/quote]
It's Valentine's Day. We're busy buying chocolates and flowers today; no time for pressing F5 around here... You can still help the cause by using automation to let software do the clicking.
I'm using a tool called Selenium to record and playback activity. I have it setup right now to open the ARG, enter the correct glyph, and then restart the process after a minute. It's fire and forget, and doesn't even take away focus of your work while it is running in the background.
Step 1. Download Firefox.
Step 2. Download [url=http://release.seleniumhq.org/selenium-ide/1.10.0/selenium-ide-1.10.0.xpi]Selenium IDE for Firefox[/url] and install it.
[quote]Drag the XPI file onto the Firefox window to install.[/quote]
Step 3. Download [url=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/flow-control/]Flow Control for Selenium IDE[/url] and install it.
Step 4. Download [url=http://db.tt/L52vDLyT]Day 1 One Column Script[/url] or [url=http://db.tt/ckNAQ76L]Day 1 Two Column Script[/url].
[quote]Depending on the initial state of the columns, I've provided two scripts since I don't plan on being up at 2AM to verify. Just pick the right script if the page starts with one column, or two columns.[/quote]
Step 5. Start Selenium (Firefox Menu->Web Developer->Selenium IDE), and Open the Test Case file.
Step 6. Success...
Service Guarantees Citizenship.
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or it's not working properly... It goes to the main page, and moves the diamonds around, but it never goes further than that. Then it stops and I get this error: [error] Unexpected Exception: fileName -> chrome://selenium-ide/content/selenium-runner.js, lineNumber -> 76, columnNumber -> 4 Any ideas why?