originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
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I recently updated my clothes (thanks to my cheap ass mom who can find a 50% off a mile away in fog =] )
Now instead of jeans/sweats and a hoodie and an ocassional polo I got a lot of nice button up shirts such as [url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=23818988]things like this[/url], nice polo's, and nice jeans and khakis. You don't need to spend that much for good clothes if you can hit online deals at the right time.
Anyone here dress good? Any recommendations?
lolfashion. I've always just worn jeans and a t-shirt. I only wear something like polo's or Aeropostale if it's a special occasion or something. Nothing really special. I prefer quality clothes over stuff that looks good. I'm not saying that expensive stuff like that isn't well made, but I like clothes that means something to me and represents what I am, and stuff I feel that if apart of me. For instance, my jacket is what my father wore in the navy whilst he was in special forces. He traveled the world in it. That jacket been through so much. I'm straying away from the topic at hand here, but I'm going to tell a story that relates to the jacket. When my dad was in the navy, he was stationed on an aircraft carrier for the first few months of his deployment. While my dad was on deck, one of his buddies thought it'd be funny to push my father off the [i]goddamned carrier[/i]. So he did. While he was in the water, he saw several fins start to approach him. Needless to say, he flipped out, because he thought they were sharks. He began to whoop and holler, but that's when he realized that they were actually dolphins. A helicopter came and rescued him. To this day, however, he's still ridiculed for a having a fear of dolphins. So, I really don't go out of my way buy particularly nice clothes. Be sure not to confuse this with me not being very tidy of my looks, just more of a representation of my likes and whatnot. inb4coolstorybro