[quote]Use this script to visit every day, [url]http://db.tt/n1sY4E7j[/url] [b]Good Hunting. [/b][/quote]
It's Valentine's Day. We're busy buying chocolates and flowers today; no time for pressing F5 around here... You can still help the cause by using automation to let software do the clicking.
I'm using a tool called Selenium to record and playback activity. I have it setup right now to open the ARG, enter the correct glyph, and then restart the process after a minute. It's fire and forget, and doesn't even take away focus of your work while it is running in the background.
Step 1. Download Firefox.
Step 2. Download [url=http://release.seleniumhq.org/selenium-ide/1.10.0/selenium-ide-1.10.0.xpi]Selenium IDE for Firefox[/url] and install it.
[quote]Drag the XPI file onto the Firefox window to install.[/quote]
Step 3. Download [url=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/flow-control/]Flow Control for Selenium IDE[/url] and install it.
Step 4. Download [url=http://db.tt/L52vDLyT]Day 1 One Column Script[/url] or [url=http://db.tt/ckNAQ76L]Day 1 Two Column Script[/url].
[quote]Depending on the initial state of the columns, I've provided two scripts since I don't plan on being up at 2AM to verify. Just pick the right script if the page starts with one column, or two columns.[/quote]
Step 5. Start Selenium (Firefox Menu->Web Developer->Selenium IDE), and Open the Test Case file.
Step 6. Success...
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Very useful stuff, I've been using it these past few days. Thanks.