I want to know, what do you, bungie.next, think of this question?
If life was a game, what tips would be on the loading screen.
Ill update this thread with especially funny, or good saying, try to get as many as possible.
I'll start: If you have a call of nature- answer it
your turn-
==Hints List==
Puppies are filled with power ups! Break them open for more health!
Use toilet paper to wipe your ass.
A fall from that height will likely break your legs. But do it. It will be awesome.
Epic thread is epic.
Edited by BasementDoor: 5/22/2013 6:19:43 AMRemember you get double the Swag Points awarded when you *Game starts*
Some people don't think you're a human until this loading screen finishes. Other people think you're a human as soon as it starts. The more pressing matter is how on Earth you're able to read this.
Always look both ways before crossing the street, then look left again. I got nothin
Your bounty in one town [u]will[/u] carry into the next one. No, you can't bribe the lawmen. Being Thane of a town will not grant you diplomatic immunity; but it may grant you a sentence in an Asylum.
Some very good hints here, if this hasn't been buried, keep them coming.
Hint: Don't take a adaptive and a sleeping pill in the same night!
Hold A to skip loading points.
-Don't eat the yellow snow
Remember, no respawns.
-When you wash spoons in the sink, remember to have the curved part facing up. -You will fail -Pants are entirely optional -Cars on fire will explode! -*insert random military-esque quote* -When intoxicated, press A to engage Awesome Ideas Mode
Pants are optional.
No means no.
Edited by G7kherc: 2/17/2013 12:38:10 PMMake sure your cutting edge! Who needs life when you have swag! Smoke cuz you can only live your life once. YOLO! Always laugh out loud at everything even at things that aren't funny LOL! Swear in every sentence. Cuz everybody knows that if you swear alot it automatically makes you cool and threatening Live the Thug life Make sure you force your parents to buy you all the latest gadgets and gizmos or you will scream,cry,ignore them,not listen to them and make their life a living hell Make sure you act cool and play call of duty Make sure you overrate sex Make sure you get facebook and take stupid pictures of yourself with your phone and put stupid comments like "I love trees" in the description! Make sure you talk in slangz CUZ slangz ist coolz so iz CAPZ! Make sure you put stupid looking pics of yourself as a profile pic! act strong every second of your life. Swear on facebook and twitter in slang like this: "u modefukin pussy go suk a dik"! Hate people who are gay/lesbian with a burning passion. Be A Bully! You will have the best life ever 100% and get all the Girls/Boys(depends what gender you want to attract). You will be a rich Person too and most of all you will be respected! Bought to you by: superXXXsaiyanswagggers360xxxxquicksocperszxxxt00siktryhardYOLOtrickzshotterzzXXX and 14 year old kidz. Top Notch Tips/Hints here! (I'm not really 14 BTW) (BTW i'm not butthurt either. Most 14 year old kids think like this)
Who needs grades when you have swag?
Pants are optional.
There's no save game option.
Don't mess your life up with a teen pregnancy.
Try to avoid third wheel situations. Third wheeling for too long can lower your reputation.
Consuming Lil' Wayne results in -4 to your intelligence.
If it smells like fish then..... *REDACTED*
This sounds like Scenes from a Hat on Whose Line.
Despite what your parents say, you can't be whatever you want.