We’re nearly out of the dark, fellas and ladies. We’ve come a long way and now Bungie is almost ready to show us what they’ve been working on for so long. I’m not sure how the rest of you feel, but I’m very excited about this. I have no doubts in my mind that this game is gonna kick ass. But, enough about Destiny. Let’s talk about the Communisack. This week’s panel selected randomly, as usual, through the magic of technology. There’s an app for that. Anyways, here’s our panel:
[quote]TopWargamer (video gamer of war)
Dont Pass Gass (dislikes farts)
Kappus 000 (the one)
Turrets (pro wrestler)
A Fly Lady (the human fly)
Bricypoo (some guy on the internet)[/quote]
Now, we journey into the mailsack zone…
[quote][b]Arbitor 5 [/b]- What will you be doing this Sunday?[/quote]
Going to church like usual, than just finding out what is new via the forums.
This Sunday, I’ll be sleeping in (yay for no work!). When I get up, I’ll turn my computer on, turn the coffee maker on, and then will probably spend the next few hours rejoicing and discussing the reveal of Destiny.
[b]A Fly Lady[/b]
Hopefully watching a sweet new ViDoc.
[i]You and I both, man.[/i]
Finishing my Masters dissertation and trying to Be Brave.
[b]Kappus 000[/b]
Anxiously waiting for Bungie to show Destiny and watching The Walking Dead
[b]Dont Pass Gass[/b]
Playing Sleeping Dogs, watch The Office, and nerd out over Destiny info.
[quote][b]Erac2detsaw2 [/b]- How would you feel if you were required to party to 80's pop music at least once a month?[/quote]
[i]I think Bricypoo would enjoy it...[/i]
I would think that mail sack question is coming back to haunt me
I’d probably call in sick to that party. What can I say, I’m a party pooper.
[b]A Fly Lady[/b]
Pretty bad.
[b]Kappus 000[/b]
I would feel like a virgin, dancing for the very first time.
[b]Dont Pass Gass[/b]
[i]Just to let everyone know, I have to listen to the same 80s songs at work every day and I don't wish that hell upon anyone. Every day is a manic Monday[/i]
[quote][b]Death[/b] - Tell us about your love life.[/quote]
lol like I could get a love life
I’ve been happily married to Whackin em for almost 2 years. (but if he told me I couldn’t get Destiny, it would probably end in divorce!) As far as my love life goes, I’ll I have to do is ask. I am hardly ever denied.
[b]A Fly Lady[/b]
Let's just say that the highlight of my Valentine's day was cleaning up my dog's vomit.
I got my valentine.
[b]Kappus 000[/b]
Hah! Good one.
[b]Dont Pass Gass[/b]
The people I have liked turned out to be gay...like legitimately gay. FML
[quote][b]CTN[/b] - On a scale from one to freezing yourself on a mountain, how excited are you for the Destiny reveal?[/quote]
[i]For the record, CTN owes me a cookie...[/i]
Freezing my self on a mountain
Let’s just say that I am pretty giddy about the reveal of Destiny. I’ll be screaming like a little girl just like the rest of you.
[b]A Fly Lady[/b]
I'm stoked. Like Natalie Portman out of 10 stoked.
[b]Kappus 000[/b]
over 9000
[b]Dont Pass Gass[/b]
Mountain hike to the top of Mount Everest anyone?
[quote][b]EZcompany2ndsqd [/b]- So if the candle went out and you did happen to find yourself in a room with a ban hammer wielding Jerome.... What would you do?[/quote]
Take my shirt off, he would run away in fear
The self defense class I took in college brings to mind the First Rule: Kick ‘em in the nuts and run away. If that wasn’t an option, I would then try and woo Jerome with my lady lumps and girly bits. That’s got to save me from the banhammer.
[b]A Fly Lady[/b]
I don't know... I guess die in a hospital after suffering blunt force trauma.
[b]Kappus 000[/b]
Cuddle time
[b]Dont Pass Gass[/b]
Get freaky
[i]Jerome, I think people have a crush on you.[/i]
[quote][b]DeeJ [/b]- How many people are you following? Why did you follow them?
[i]Another question from the mailman himself, eh? Well, this is the Communisack zone after all..anything could happen.[/i]
I counted them , then came back to respond... forgot already. I'll go with 20 and I follow them because i like their stuff or they are friends
I am following 5 people. I follow them because I loving having the ability to stalk them, or just because I’m friends with them.
[b]A Fly Lady[/b]
71. I like to see what a lot of the people who are in the same groups as me post. And then I just follow a bunch of people who I think make good posts to read.
Around 20. I followed them because they post on similar threads to me or say stuff that's cool or interesting. Some have been around a while. Some, I think, maybe not so long. Still, they all hang around.
[b]Kappus 000[/b]
I'm following 23 people. I usually follow people if I know them or like them
[b]Dont Pass Gass[/b]
Following 85 people. All of the people I follow are awesome and cool people who post great content.
[quote][b]Goldhawk [/b]- If you could preserve one inanimate object so that it would last forever, what would that object be & why?[/quote]
My left sock, so my left foot will always be warm.
Wow, this is a tough one. Props to whoever asked this question. The first thing that came to my mind is NSFW, so my second choice would be my pickup truck. Its 12 years old and on its last leg, but I absolutely love it.
[b]A Fly Lady[/b]
I would preserve my socks because that way people in future generations could enjoy my socks.
[i]You and Bricypoo should become friends.[/i]
I think everything has its time, but it would probably be a great piece of art: something that will inspire others to create long after it was created. Maybe one of those cave paintings that show us something of the lives of those who lived.
[b]Kappus 000[/b]
A forklift, the world shall look upon it and never forget it.
[b]Dont Pass Gass[/b]
My hard drive with all of my game saves on it.
So, that concludes this week's Communisack. Thank you guys for dropping a question and thanks to those on the panel for the great responses. Tomorrow we will wait anxiously to see some Destiny and well, Community:
[quote]And how does that make you [i]feel[/i]?[/quote]
I'm pretty damn excited. I'll see you guys in the community mailroom Tuesday. Have a great weekend, and [i]be brave[/i].
Awesome dude!