"There are even some exclusive incentives available now to reward the first players who reserve their copy of the game."
I reserved my copy 2 hours ago from gamestop, should I do it again? Do I have to order it online to get the exclusive incentives?
Here is my poster as proof (assuming that is the incentive):
I can even post my receipt as proof if that is necessary. I hope that people who pre-order in store today count as one of the "first people", I know I was the first person to pre-order in my store.
Edited by Demon Sorcerer Miyagi: 2/17/2013 6:29:53 PM
Started a new topic: Destiny Pre-order incentives(2 Replies))
It is probably just pre-order before a certain date, or before they run out of posters or something. You should be fine. I'm just assuming because how exactly would they handle like the first x amount to pre-order?
Hmmm, the only UK site (from the list given from this site) which actually has Destiny available for Preorder is Tesco. But I didn't see anything about any exclusives for people who preordered first.
My Gamestop is closed on Sunday. Not sure why but it is. When I went through destinythegame.com, the Gamestop page just 404'd so....
I called my local Gamestop about the Pre-order Posters, and they said that they'll have them available tomorrow. Hopefully I'd still be available for these "rewards" by the next day.
I want to pre-order, but not on Amazon. Sadly, the other two don't work right now and currently my car is somewhere else :(
Waiting for the special edition ones to go live.
On Amazon you get a digital wallpaper. Also, love the new avatar.
I also pre-ordered, but didn't see any real details on what the exclusives would be. I'm just gonna hang out and keep an eye on it.
On Amazon you get some wallpaper for your phone and computer.
Does it say that? I want. I was the first person in the city and possibly the midwest to preorder. I have nothing- not even my poster (though they called and said they just found them) so mine is reserved).
what are the exclusives?
Not on PC. Not interested.