A long time ago during Bungie.next Beta title bars were coming back. Will they be the same as before, can they be toggled on and off?
Edited by Recon Number 54: 2/22/2013 12:21:45 AM
Started a new topic: Title Bar suggestions(6 Replies))
That was not a long time ago, Ken. It was last month.
Who ever cared about titles?
i hope they come back. then i can have something physical that stands me out against the influx of newbs when Destiny comes out.
I need my hat.
It's ridiculous they haven't made me a ninja yet.
If they don't come back I won't care really. It's just a bar. I hated blue anyway. I'd want red.
I miss my blue bar. :(
I just don't care about titles.
I'm guessing on brand new titles that are Destiny related. Kinda sad for us mythic users though. We have to work our way up the food chain again.
Also inb4titlesbaaedonfollowercount
... I hope so, I need to prove my superiority to the fresh meat.
There ought to be new ones. I was close to mythic. I could feel it . . .
Titles aren't coming back. Bungie was going to remove join dates too, but the left them there as a special reward for their dedicated fans.
I'm pretty sure we'll get to see them again soon. Just wait a bit.
Title bars, titles bars WHAAA WHAA WHAA. Call the WAHBULANCE!!! DeeJ has six months on me at least! And if he's not complaining neither should we! Yea it was cool to have a titles but com'on people this Bungie for crying out loud! we should know by now something wayyy cooler is in the making, so let them do the damn thing already sheesh!!
Eventually. I'm sure its something the web team will roll out over time. They probably have a lot of plans that we have yet to see, due to Destiny not being out yet!
They will most likely come back soon.
I am predicting with the next information drop. Everyone was focused on the teaser trailer, and I am sure there are some more tweeks to the site. Didn't Deej just say soon again somewhere? - so maybe it'll be another year and a half.
I hope we see some cool new titles.
I want them for private groups, but for the mains I could care less.
Yeah I hope they bring em back, I've been around since '07 so Id like to have at least a Veteran prefix.
I don't think they are coming back if ask me.
Hopefully they will be back soon :D!
Reckon you'll finally be mythic (or B.Next's equivalent), Ken?