I lost mine at age 14 in eight grade, never looked back and I'm a more mature person today because of it. sex is a big part of my life now
I loev sex and it's a part of life. What do you guys think
Before you graduate college. Don't end up like me. There is still hope for me, but not much comrades.
Never. We need to focus less on sex and more on work and intellectual pursuits! As for the human species continuing, I propose all males must compulsorily donate sperm to be examined, letting only those with superior genes live to be inserted into a suitable host(s). [spoiler]/sarcasm mostly[/spoiler]
[quote]I lost mine at age 14 in eight grade, never looked back and I'm a more mature person today because of it. sex is a big part of my life now I loev sex and it's a part of life. What do you guys think[/quote]hah! Straaaaight!
17- chef
Who the -blam!- bumped this?
I'm working on becoming a wizard.
When it's the right time.
Ideally? When it's between healthy and consenting individuals who are aware of the consequences of unprotected sex, or the improper use of birth control and STD/STI prevention. I suppose the rest is up to you.
I love sex, huh?
I'm pretty much flabbergasted at this thread. OP, you better be attractive.
Oh god, this thread again. Who did it? Own up.
As I posted in a similar thread; I have more important things to care about and waste my time doing. Such as getting Inheritor on Reach.
The word virgin makes me bloodly cringe ..
If you're still a virgin after 12 years old you should really just give up on life
As soon as somebody says yes.
The night of your marriage.
7 years
Whenever you want. Duh.
Age 1-100
Whenever you want to. Most of us don't live in a fascist state so we do actually have choices.
I lose mine summer last year (I was 16 she was 18) with my ex, she'd been my ex for just over a year at that point, we somehow became "friends with benefits." I think people should just wait until they're legal but I don't really care. Whenever you feel ready.
I was 12 when I lost mine. I don't think there is a universal age for when you lose your virginity, it's more about if you are ready for that kind of mature situation.
I was 16 and I think it's important. Mainly because it feels so damn good lol Plus you build a bond with the person you're with. [spoiler]unless you're -blam!-ing a random chick.[/spoiler]