I lost mine at age 14 in eight grade, never looked back and I'm a more mature person today because of it. sex is a big part of my life now
I loev sex and it's a part of life. What do you guys think
After 16
Do people go searching for old threads?
When you have sex...
[quote]I lost mine at age 14 in eight grade, never looked back and I'm a more mature person today because of it. sex is a big part of my life now I loev sex and it's a part of life. What do you guys think[/quote] aged 14, behind tescos at 3 am with a belly full of vodka redbull and a trip to the STD clinic afterwards. True storey. Maybe I should have waited for 'the one' LOL
If you didn't have a skank on standby the first time you got a hard on, you are a beta lowlife piece of shit. Get on my level.
Dam you were oooold
I'm Russian, very cute and sex.
Never. Protect it with your life.
How did this thread resurface?
I think; therefore, tits or GTFO.
Edited by Wolvers: 7/27/2013 1:03:04 AMWhenever. I was always a very shy, unconfident kid and was never good with girls. That changed this last year and I lost my virginity a some months into turning 17, now at 18 I do pretty well with girls though I'm by no means a player yet, still have a lot to work on in the confidence and game department. I'm pretty decent looking though now, and have a great body so that helps a lot. I think there is a critical period where you do need to have sex or risk never having it and becoming a forever alone basement-dwelling 30 year old, but don't have it be the biggest thing on your mind. When I lost it I wasn't even looking to lose it, I was just on a night out and it happened.
It's different for everyone.
When it's the right time for you.
Try for below twenty, I'd say.
I never will.
When you feel comfortable and mature enough to handle the responsibility.
I lost mine when I was 16. I think you should at least be in high school before you do it, but whatever. It's up to the person.
Whenever you're ready, which is different from person to person. The only realistic guideline to this is the "age of consent" wherein it has determined an age to which a person is intelligent enough to make the right choice about their sexual actions. So, if it's legal at 14, then by all means, have at it. I personally believe 16 to be the youngest, but I can easily argue as to why even THAT age is too young.
16 legal age of consent in the uk, wont go into personal details because its none of your business.
You're more mature because you had sex at a certain age? lolno
Sex doesn't automatically make you a mature and intelligent adult you idiot. I hope thats not what you think OP otherwise you're the biggest idiot Ive ever encountered.
I'd say 18 would be minimum. It seems more appropriate and right, honestly.
You should lose your virginity when you have sex.