First, I should say that I used to be a bastard, a real nasty, horrible, bullying dickhead sort of character.
I have changed since then and have become a quiet, secluded, socially awkward creep. But, for the last few weeks when I have opened my mouth it's been to put someone down, say a sarcastic remark or start a rumour. Today I made two offensive jokes that killed the mood.
So how do i stop this inner bastard emerging? Or is this all inevitable because I was a bad combination of genes because I was an accident and I can't just be a normal person I have to be a cocky show off prick or an isolated shy creep?
Make sure what your bastard self says is a right and proper and funny burn. If you make people laugh, they think you're trying to be funny and real and think you're cool. Then you save the unfunny bastard for when it's necessary, like when turning down snooty chicks at the club, when bill collectors call, when solicitors knock on your door, and when your sig oth decides to say what s/he really thinks about you and your games collection or spending money on car parts. Advice from the biggest a55hole DCHS ever knew.