Being a writer who's heavily influenced and inspired by the universes Bungie has created with games like Marathon, Halo, and now Destiny, I've always wanted to know where Bungie gets their inspiration from. For instance, what movies/TV shows/books/games do the guys and gals who created/are creating the massive universe of Destiny draw their inspiration from? Where'd they draw ideas and inspiration from for Halo and Marathon?
When I'm writing science fiction, I find that movies like Alien/Prometheus and Bladerunner, Inception, Star Wars (The ORIGINAL trilogy) and District 9 are all pretty influential for me. TV shows like Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, and Fringe and Lost are all awesome; then for books, my recent addiction is Richard Morgan's Altered Carbon trilogy (not for the faint of heart, or underage, however).
Sorry for double posting but I'm wondering about the book trilogy you were talking about. Altered carbon. Not for the faint of heart, in what way do you mean? I enjoy reading but have never heard of it.