I realize this topic has caused a lot of complaining and I will probably get scolded for this, but seriously, what is the deal? So many players played Halo 2 Multiplayer, yet the servers were shut down even though people paid for a service (the servers). Now I see an opportunity to reestablish the Halo 2 Servers as the Destiny game is made. It would give players a chance to revisit the good old days on Halo 2 (and to pass the time for a game that looks good). Seriously, I consider this a signature on a community petition. I believe that, as a community, we can get Bungie to ask Microsoft to put the Halo 2 Servers back up. Now you will probably say "Well no one owns that game anymore" or "Microsoft has announced that Halo 2 Servers will be disabled on April 15, 2010, due to the fact that all original Xbox games will no longer be supported on Xbox Live". Should Halo 2 Multiplayer Servers, one of the most acclaimed and supported games, be taken down because Microsoft has decided that ALL Xbox-only games will no longer be supported? I believe that we can, with enough supporters, convince Microsoft to bring the Halo 2 Servers back up. I'm sorry if you will criticize me for you losing/throwing away/selling/giving away your Halo 2 Disc. I just really hope that this can be noticed as it has been almost 3 years since the shutdown of the Halo 2 Servers. Thank you if you have read all of this, and I hope we can accomplish this goal.
*Sorry if this is in the wrong forum section.
This isn't going to happen