originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
I'm not posting this in waypoint because 90% of the people there believe it is. I just don't understand how, especially compared to the AR which IMO acquires very little skill. I thought AR was considered the biggest "noob" weapon, at least in Reach but from what I seen on the Halo 4 forums, DMR is the new AR.
I always assumed more skillful players choose the DMR because you need to have good aim. If your aim is horrible, the DMR is nearly useless. So can someone care to explain as to why it's now the "noobiest" weapon in Halo 4?
It's the best weapon so people get mad when someone else uses it. Which doesn't make sense as a true noob would use the worst weapon, like spamming the plasma pistol against other players.
It's only the people who get killed by the DMR that bitch about it.
Also out of curiosity are you good at games? I'd be very surprised.
Carbine wins all day erry day!
It has destroyed BTB. Cross map sniping makes it easy to spawn camp.
No one cares about that poor excuse for a game.
It's not. It's the best weapon to use so really if you're not using it and doing bad that would make you a dumbass and a crappy player. Those people just like to say those people who beat them with DMR's are noobs because they lost. When really the actual noob would be the people who don't use it and do bad. Nice to a thread too where people isn't hating on you.
I haven't played H4 but my guess would be: Since it was used to kill the person who is complaining.
People still play halo 4? OT its op as hell, cross map snipe errbody all day err day. Quite a Few maps Become absolutely unplayable with dmr spawns. Its way too easy to spawn kill
The AR is imba as -blam!-! The DMR isn't a noob weapon, only the BKs at the waypoint forums think it is.
>2013 >still playing H4
lol halo 4
Edited by o0MrCheesy0o: 2/22/2013 6:09:55 AMIt's a reoccurring phenomena in games, in which a tactic or particular mechanic is perceived to tip the balance of the game in the users favour by a large degree. It is then classified as unfair, and those who utilise it to be unscrupulous. What in actuality happens is that the victim of the perceived unfair device is ill equipped to counter it, which in turn causes him to lose - reinforcing the idea that it's unbalanced in his mind. The DMR is the dream-crusher of many Halo players' delusions of grandeur. They themselves have not learnt to counter, perhaps even use it, and thus perceive DMR wielders as effortlessly winning thanks to the amazing balance-tipping powers of the DMR itself. Thus, only noobs use it. "Get on my level, and win with skill, pls."
There' always that one gun that all the kids cry about in Halo multiplayer. The BR was the king in Halo 2 and 3 and the DMR usurped it. I think everyone simply hates it because it is probably the most user friendly to excel with, but a person who is good with any other mid-range weapon like the Carbine can easily stomp on a DMR user. The only time this won't happen is at extreme range, but you souldn't be fighting a DMR at long range with a mid-range weapon...
People get butthurt because they get -blam!- by the DMR so they call it a noob gun.
Waypoint thinks the DMR is a noob weapon because Waypoint gets beasted by the DMR.
God damn OP you are a filthy casual.
IMO, there's too many whiny people that expected the BR to be the top weapon and are now butthurt that the DMR is still the better precision weapon. They cried until 343i gave them the BR back, and since it's not better than the DMR, they cry foul and proceed to call it a "noob" weapon.
AR a noob weapon? my favourite gun has been nerfed to the poitn that it's near useless unless you actually HAVE skill to use it. there is no way you can say that the AR is a noob weapon because of how weak the damage is. /vent OT: it's an easy to use "Babby's first long range weapon" with low kill times and crazy magnetism.
It's not but it is considered an OP weapon which is why a lot of the competitive variants being made do not promote DMR starts
It's not.
I prefer the BR or Carbine, for two reasons. 1. It's absolutely hilarious to me when I bowl over some kiddies who took the easy button option with either of the two guns I mentioned up above at range or up close when they got the drop on me. 2. I'm not an asshole who kills your ghost by putting a clip into it. I grow some balls and highjack you, because I love my vehicle perks. But generally, the bane of any fun game in halo 4 are sniper rifles, and the DMR. Being able to spawn with a weapon that can cross the map works just as well as spawning with a pocket shotgun, which oddly, I've had no bad experiences with. Anywho, off track here, it's the easiest weapon to use, right alongside the AR. Which I assume why it's in the noob weapon spot.
Edited by Frost: 2/21/2013 4:23:15 AMSince it takes the least skill to use at any range. Carbine players have earned my respect simply for using it, because it's more difficult to use.
Edited by omg a bannana: 2/21/2013 6:15:26 AMIt's the fastest killing precision weapon besides the zoomed in LR, also you don't need THAT good of aim considering how much auto-aim/bullet magnetism it has.
Edited by Jaaake AU: 2/21/2013 4:19:32 PMBecause of the bigger map sentiment taken by 343i in Halo 4, the DMR allows pretty much everyone with two thumbs and a brain to get easy kills. I had graphs to show the range of the DMR on H4's base maps, but I can't seem to find it. Regardless, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that a weapon that can effectively ping and kill players from across the map uncontested is broken. Therefore, I guess that sentiment drives some to the conclusion that it's a "noob" weapon. Admittedly it works on small maps like Haven (just Haven... there are no other small maps), but once you break outside of close/medium quarters, it simply has no counter apart from itself and a powerweapon. So, IMO, it's not a 'noob' weapon, it's just a weapon that breaks Halo 4's maps and probably shouldn't have been in the game in the first place.
Well while I mostly agree with you (though I never had a problem with people using the Assault Rifle), one thing I've observed is that the definition of skill is relative. Just watch the game forums for a while. Noob combos, using only precision weapons, being able to use any weapon, camping, melee/melee weapons, long-range, no-scoping, full-scope close-combat, close-range, jumping, etc. There is no good definition of being "skillful" or a "noob" without being extremely generic.