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As we speak King Obama is readying the FEMA death camps.
Those are for you sheeple who don't want to listen to reason.
America will soon declare martial law. Turning every state into a police state.
Food will be limited. The Food stamp mobs will attack. Urban warfare gangsters will raid your homes.
Wake up sheeple.
Subtlety is an art too complicated for asshats today. It's a shame.
Shut up, you stupid anarchist. Acceptance is key.
All of you pansies better get well aquainted with guns fast. Ammo us becoming a rarity. I'd reccomend .22lr for you weak little sheeple.
But Bush is the one who started the FEMA death camps. . .
-3/10. Trying too hard.
Wake up.
Muuuhhhh freeeeeddommmz
King Obama? I thought he was the Black Messiah.
What's sad is that people actually believe this.
Now that's a DLC I would buy.
Dark Lord Obama?
Sounds like fun.
I, for one, welcome our new presidential overlord.
I'm God then. Give me your lunch money, kid.
Chris Dornner knew about Obamas plans, so the LAPD blackmailed him by framing him for murders, then executed him. Everything happens for a reason, just like all these false flag shootings recently.
enough of the alex jones shit
It's been months, and you've still not explained what an "urban warfare gangster" is. Did you finally run out of supplies in your 12/21/12 shelter?
Hi, Just wondering, can I be referred to something other than a sheeple? Thanks. ODST123
NRA MEMBER IS BACK! YAY! You're my favorite poster.
We'd like to conduct a series of hour long interviews with you, if you're amenable to the idea.
Edited by M37h3w3: 2/21/2013 7:32:42 AMTrooolllllllll Seriously, you made this declaration that "urban warfare gangsters" would be killing everyone and that the National Guard would be executing people in the streets back for the 12/21/12 bullshit. Old shit is old. Go back to your hole troll.
i think you mean Lord Obama.
Hey, you learned how to spell martial!
One question will finally be answered.....who was phone!?
Plagues will plague our streets like no plague before them.