In 2005, John Scott Tynes wrote this little blurb concerning Phoenix, the fabled fantasy action project Bungie cancelled during the development of Halo 2.
[quote]Bungie Studios hired me to write for them, pre-Xbox, and as a Marathon fan I was jazzed. I wrote a big, epic story, a real gut-churning tale of empire, conquest, and mystical destiny. It was rich with symbology and put the player in the role of a true conqueror, laying waste to entire regions with the forces at his command. I still love that story, to this day.
Bungie canceled the title.
Sauce: [url][/url][/quote]
That... sounds kind of familiar.
Now, Destiny may not literally be the same thing as Phoenix, and in fact I'm almost positive that it's not, but it seems pretty similar.
Could Destiny be the spiritual successor to Bungie's greatest unfinished project?
Jason has been working on Destiny since Halo 2, I wouldn't be surprised if this is where it started but became something else.