originally posted in:Destiny
I know that there are three classes but what do you think you'll pick if there is character customization male or female?
When there are more than just one character slot, i'll play both. An exotic human female hunter, an male exo warlock and an male Titan, presenting myself and be my Main character.
How is gender selection even a popular topic...?
I wants to be a cat
Female, male avatars are usually way too bulky and the animations tend to look ridiculous.
If I'm a male in real life, why would I play as a female?
Edited by A 3 Legged Goat: 3/8/2013 10:38:14 PMI'm generally always a female in serious games. Males are usually bulky passed exaggeration and female models tend to have more interesting aesthetics pieces. It's also more natural for me to invest in a different gender. I think people find it odd when you play as the opposite gender because they see their character as an avatar or a representation of themselves. I don't see it as me in anyway if I'm playing as a female, but rather a character I've created who I'm going on a journey with. I do realize that some people take it further than that though, especially in dating sims.
This could've included a poll but to answer the question I will be a male for the simple fact that I am a male. I know not everyone follows this idea but I personally want to feel like I am my character.
I'm looking to make a female Titan and a Exo Male Hunter.
I am open to both genders while making a character in Destiny. It highly depends to me on the story I will tell with my character as well as who they are. I'll pick male first though.
Male because I'm a GUY...
I always pick Male. So, this time I'll pick female
Mix: Male Titan Male Hunter [probably lead main class] Female Warlock. Might swap Hunter and Warlock around depending on which one is more 'squishy' cuz Rasta is right, females are harder to hit.
If I were to have to pick between male and female, I'd pick zebra.
Male, for the only time I would be a female is if the main character in the video game is female.
Male and I really hope that this armor is in the game. Although the player is small in this concept piece, you can kinda make out the armor. I want it.
Female probably, because there are too many male only protagonists. Unless the male character models look much better than the female ones.
Both. I generally tend to play male characters in games but depending on the general look of the female characters I sometimes tend to sway that way. That being said I'll probably play both genders for all of the classes (assuming that you can have multiple characters).
Depends. Will the Male models and Armor look like shit? Or vice versa?
It all depends on what I think looks better with armor on in the game, most likely Male
Female. I generally make female characters. They typically have a smaller profile (slightly harder to see), and they're generally more aesthetically pleasing.
I choose to become a plant.
Male cause I'm male.