originally posted in:Destiny
I know that there are three classes but what do you think you'll pick if there is character customization male or female?
I would choose to be a male
I plan on choosing Exo so I have no idea if you can assign a race to them due to them being robots. However, assuming we can select a race for them, definitely male.
Male, cause I'm male. Just doesn't feel right playing as a female.
Male as a male
Male. as I am a Male. I always feel weird when I play female characters. It just doesn't fit well.
It really dosent matter to me as long as im a badass warlock.
I'll most likely be playing as a male, as of right now anyway.
Female. I like to play as female characters just so I can look at their butts. Wait. This is an FPS? I'll probably make a male character then. Seriously though,it depends if all species can have different genders. So far, I haven't seen a male Awoken.
Male, always feel awkward when I play as a female, besides I'm a dude so it just makes sense.
I'm a guy, so I play a guy. I feel weird if I play a woman. 8/
I always pick female over male. The body structure and overall mindset of being a female appeals to me way more than male characters do.
I´ll decide this when I have the game.
If I were human or Awoken, the male. But if I were an Exo, then I would be female.
For online I always do my own gender, aka male. If its an open ended game like fallout with no online stuff involved I usually do a bit of both. I like to mix things up a bit.
I would choose a girl so i can make a super sexy, bad ass assassin. then my other one will be a guy whos' build could be described as "sticks and skin"
Idk if its just me, but females seem to be a lot more quicker and agile in video games, which is why I sometime choose them
It should be a purely strategic choice. If a female build is a smaller hit marker; then that is what I will utilize. Aesthetic arguments, while understandable leading into next-gen, is minimized by the 1st person view for the majority of this game.
I will be a male because I just usually like male armors more. Plus I am male.
Guy because I don't plan on being a G.I.R.L...Guy In Real Life. I'm being myself and not trolling girls.
I personally find it creepy to play a female if I have the choice. I always pick my own gender when I can.
Definitely male, I feel like it makes a bond between you and your character if its the same gender as you
Since I'm going to be an exo titan I'm going with male.
Definitely male because I want to be the star. Ill probably be a male Awoken Hunter!
Male for sure. I guess it all just depends on the race and class.