Think about it!
Of course this'd be hard to pull off, and may only be done on the Xbox 360/720 and the PS3/PS4, but it's not impossible.
EDIT: you guys seem to think that it has to be directly via the LIVE / PS network but what I was trying to say is that they could send the data from the game to a central server located at Bungie or Activision and work it that way. Software and hardware don't matter as they could send the same packets of player / enemy / etc positions to every console and have the game's engine translate it. Think outside the (x)box.
It would happen directly through the LIVE and PlayStation networks. It's the nature of connectivity using them. They are both extended services of the platforms. When you produce a title on a console, licenses for doing so must be procured. It's a complicated process that requires developers to follow certain standards to match a level of quality and consistency across all titles. Microsoft is a bit touchy on this subject and does not allow cross platforming while Sony seems to be more open about it. This caused a similar game, Dust 514, to be exclusive to PlayStation 3.