originally posted in:Destiny
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I hope they come out with a Special Console and let us know before the new consoles release to stores. My dad and I have been huge fans of Bungie from the start. We got our Special Edition Halo 3 Xbox from Costco years ago and it's like our family crest that sits in the living room for everyone to see.
When I moved out a few years ago he kept it so I need a new Bungie based Console of my own now...crossing my fingers!
[i]Edit: What I meant is would we know about a PS4 Destiny Console before the PS4 hits shelves.[/i]
Destiny will most likely have a Collectors Edition Console. Most Bungie games seem to get consoles. [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-HN3q55oXhpA/ThtV9zjFV2I/AAAAAAAAAMc/zGkWbtIiMJg/s1600/Xbox-ltd-edition-green.jpeg]Halo 2[/url] [url=http://di1-3.shoppingshadow.com/images/pi/51/8a/7e/44658924-260x260-0-0_Microsoft+Xbox+360+Halo+3+Special+Edition.jpg]Halo 3[/url] [url=http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=halo+reach+xbox&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=EABE74B2787DA7D8C499771BD523F86E3E860DC9&selectedIndex=0]Halo Reach[/url]