Well, there is no water in the river and you can't see the spiders, but you can see their webs and earlier in the scene you can also see cocoons hanging from the ceiling.
This is the same cave as the one where you see the Space Zombies, the big chained up guy and the three Guardians storming in and firing their weapons.
For the unworthy who do not understand:
[quote][url=]“We have a lot of potential to put spiders on the other side of that river. And I am committed to delivering on that potential.”
[b]Tyson Green[/b][/url][/quote]
Puerto Princesa huh? Underground Rivers confirmed?[/url][/quote]
edit: I'm going to add some
[quote]lololololol... hahahaha[/quote]
to imply that this thread isn't meant to be as serious as some people think
I hope they are little mini-scarabs that walk around and shoot little plasma shots at you, and you gotta crouch behind their little mini-legs to punch the core.