...in the background. Skip to 0:57.
Since it is on "the smallest map in Halo 4" and it appears to be outside the map boundaries, I highly doubt it will be drivable.
Personally I am really dissapointed by the lack of a new Forge map.
Edited by Sesto: 2/23/2013 3:24:43 AM"Each map has a different mood, each map has a different colour theme. That was a conscious decision on our part." What the -blam!- does that even mean? Obviously, because if you guys just made them look all the same you'd be -blam!-ing retarded. Is that supposed to be impressive or something? "Yeah, we actually made them look different lol!" I swear, these trailers are just like random stuff put together to sound impressive.
That's one big punch below the belt. They know people want flyable MP UNSC vehicles and what do they do? They add them as scenery. [quote] Personally I am really dissapointed by the lack of a new Forge map.[/quote] Same here. I want them to do a larger version of Sandbox. That way you can actually forge things.
Still trying to ride off the popularity of Halo 3 are we 343i? It looks like they've just lifted the model straight out of H3.
Halol 4
Im disappointed with Halol 4
that is just in the background like sentinels on isolation in Halo3
Although I am disappointed that we can't drive the Hornet, it wouldn't make any sense for us to be able to in a small-medium-ish map. I do think it is good that, even though we can't DRIVE it, we know that they still put it in, which is good, in a way.
Does anyone else think the weapons on Landfall are a little OP? Shotgun, Railgun, and Rocket Launcher?
Fantastic? More like crappy.
I would trade the mantis for the hornet any day.