[This group has been deleted]
I'm sick of Religious and Political threads all over the Flood that consist solely of people arguing, and it robs the Flood of the stupidity and random discussion it used to hold before the update came and removed rules with it. So, I created this group. There are groups like this, but are fairly civilized. This group is for uncivilized ones that spawn on the Flood. I encourage you to come here and argue over religion and politics rather than create threads on the Flood about them. Welcome.
Secular Sevens > TBC > Your group.
What exactly do you want to discuss in the OffTopic forum?
There is quite a simple solution. Don't view or post in the political threads.
SEIG HEIL! *zips up aryan suit*
No one is going to join your group OP.
[quote]This group is for uncivilized ones that spawn on the Flood[/quote] Sounds like a quality group for civilized discussion.