Speculation is that there will be factions within Destiny and ive started to wonder what factions out of the main 5 (The Seven Seraphs, Osiris, Dead Orbit, FWC, and New Monarchy) do you think makes up the "good" and "evil" of the factions. This is just my opinion and take on who i think is who:
Seven Seraphs: The "Good" religious faction, based upon diplomacy and keeping the bloodshead to a minimum. although when they do have to fight their soliders are soldiers of their "god" and are very loyal and will do anything to keep their faction strong and alive.
FWC: The closest faction to the standard US Government, Ideals of Democracy, freedom of religion, and things closest to the current United States. so viewed as one of the "Good" factions. military closest to our own in ways of how we use and distribute our armies.
Osiris: Faction that is neither "good" nor "evil" they tend to stay "Sweden neutral" keeping to themselves but they can be militarily ready when need be, so don't count them out of a fight.
Dead Orbit: a faction that is not to be taken lightly they (although not fully evil) aren't good either. i view them as controlled by a "dictator" or one sole leader who has "advisers" below him/her. their military is ruled with an iron fist and is ready to destroy any other faction by all means necessary
New Monarchy: this is the "evil" faction purely run ruthlessly by the new age monarchy system. the king ruling his people with little to no mercy what so ever. and their military will eliminate everyone who gets in their way. anyone who dares oppose them will be wiped off the map with virtually nothing to show that they even existed
Now like i stated these are just my personal speculations and i love to hear what other people think as well. This game looks ablosutely fantastic and im becoming an absolute FANATIC for this game and everything within it. the entire storyline and plot seems so in depth and interesting i cannot help but get excited for it so please let me know what you guys think and lets see how many people we can get to reply!
Good and evil? No. That's opinionated and doesn't matter. Considering though, there is hints towards the whole Faction Wars option that they're fighting says that they could get in each others way while trying to progress humanity in their own ways.