As i'm from Glasgow, speaking English proficiently can be seen as something as a minor miracle in itself - but what about about you lot.
Bonus points if you can speak a language that no one has heard of.
This is my sixth year of German and I feel as if I haven't even learned that much.
I can speak cockney.
Spanish and bits of German.
I got a D in French at GCSE.....that count?
Just English. However, becoming fluent in German is one of my life goals.
English, small amounts of German, and some Spanish.
English and Polish
About 3. Italian, English, maybe a little French(lolyeahright) and a little Japanese.
English Incredibly Rusty French
I speak horse.
American English
I can only speak English fluently, and from school I can "speak" Irish and Spanish.
german engrish arabic
I only speak two languages lady, English and Bad English
English Japanese Body
Fluently? Three not including English and coding languages. German Spanish French Not fluently? Russian Bits of Latin
I'm fluent in over 6 million forms of communication.
English Java Javascript C :( I feel incredibly unaccomplished.
English, Irish and German.
Does 1337 5|>34|< count?
English HTML CSS Java script
English and French.
Spanish and English.
3, english, french and some japanese.. friggin katakana..
English, Arabic, Kurdish and Shabaki.