[quote]It may seem like a ridiculous question to ask whether you are a descendant of Charlemagne, who was crowned Emperor on December 25, 800. If you live in Asia or Africa, or your ancestors are from Asia or Africa, then you are probably not a descendant of Charlemagne.
But if any of your ancestors lived in Europe, especially western Europe, then it's almost certain that Charlemagne is one of your ancestors. No matter where your ancestors are from they probably share a common ancestor with everyone else from that region. What's surprising is that many of those common ancestors lived only 1200 years ago. [/quote]
I've been following my family tree recently and stumbled on an offhand comment in a forum stating that there was a rumour that we had descended from both Charlemagne and Joan of Arc. So I googled Charlemagne's descendants and came up with this.
Flood, we're related!
[url=http://sandwalk.blogspot.com.au/2009/10/are-you-descedant-of-charlemagne.html]This article[/url] explains more.
My family is mostly pure Greek, so probably not for me/
Technically, every single person on Earth is related, one way or another. You know a bunch of us are descendants of Genghis Khan too, right?
My grandmother keeps telling me we're related to Leif Erickson. I've yet to figure out if that's true or just a Scandinavian thing to say.