I keep hearing Destiny is an Online Game. Fine.
Yet please for the love of that's good can Bungie please not FORCE online connection
"What do you mean Dude?"
If your online goes off. If your connection is bad. You should STILL be able to play this game. You should not HAVE to be on a connection of any sort to play this.
"But Dude. Everyone has online. Tis the future"
I'de agree if online was 100 free and easy. But it isn't. 100% of players don't all have online. And forcing Online doesn't add anything to the game. It subtracts and alienates people. Worse off it makes players feel forced and unfree.
"But it's the future. SIngle Player is boring. Online ALL DA WAY"
Edited by CrazzySnipe55: 2/25/2013 11:24:56 PMI like how you made the other side of the argument seem incredibly unintelligent to make your point better, but in the process made yourself look worse because of your apparent misunderstanding of the point of view of the other side. This world we're playing in is a connected world -- a [i]constantly[/i] connected world. One would assume that at any given time something one person or a group of people does/do could affect everyone else in some way. Because of this interconnection to everyone else playing the game, as well as the interdependence created as a result of this interconnection, you can't function in the world because your world is no longer accurate. The way I've had it described to me is that yeah, you COULD play World of Warcraft solo and with no one else there, but it'd be boring as hell and hardly anyone would utilize it.