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Lots of people, myself included, are expecting Destiny to be quite a game. While this may be slightly irrational based on the scarce amount of information we have on it thus far, I think it's a safe bet considering the developer we're dealing with, and the basis and idea of the game of which we do know.
But what things can Bungie do that will make this game BIG? When you look at World of Warcraft, it's big thing was both it's open world and the popularization of massively multiplayer gaming. EVE Online has its unique economic system and large-scale space battles. Bioshock has its interest and cerebral concept and period setting. Halo has an epic story, fun, simple arena gameplay, and the faceless character which it is easy to put yourself in the role of. So, what can be Destiny's [i]thing[/i]?
Since it's a game on the scale that it is (being interplanetary and whatnot), I think one [i]thing[/i] could definitely be the sheer size of the world. I'll copy and paste a post from the thread that inspired this one to explain that.[spoiler][b][[/b][url=]Pic 4 Reference[/url][b]][/b]
To be honest? If we're being ambitious and going with the "Bungie needs to make an absolutely amazing video game to even come close to following up Halo" mentality, I'd like to see 50 - 100 mi^2 of explorable land per planet.
In reference to the picture above, assuming there's 7 planets explorable in this game (which I think is highly likely), that would put Destiny at a world (in total) with an area almost 9 times that of Vanilla WoW (80 mi^2), 75% bigger than Just Cause 2 (400 mi^2), and being just around 100 mi^2 larger than Test Drive: Unlimited (618 mi^2). In my opinion, this could be one of many "big things" that could push Destiny from "oh look... a Halo MMO" to something that could be really popular.
e: That doesn't include all the Space areas you can travel through in your customizable ships, so keep that in mind. Also it doesn't factor in any aerial travel one could have on any given planet. However, I don't feel like measuring game worlds in volume (nor does anyone else, according to Google), so we'll stick with 700 mi^2 + Space for now.[/spoiler]
The next possible [i]thing[/i] could be the customization:
[spoiler]Customization is rapidly becoming something that developers are finally realizing that players want, and want a lot of. We've already (I believe) heard confirmations on customizable gear (I'm assuming this includes armor), and customizable ships. At the very least, talk of "[url=]creat[ing] a character[/url]" and being able to "[url=]grow and customize it over time[/url]".
With the (perceived) ease with which incredible amounts of customizability are implemented in a game (given that "customize modes" don't seem nearly as labor intensive to build as whole cities and planets), I think we have a good chance at seeing an amazing amount of customization with this game. If it gets to the point of superfluity while still being incredibly fun, I think this could definitely be a major selling point of the game. Who's with me on customizing the colors of the screws and bolts in your armor?[/spoiler]
The final [i]thing[/i] I'll put forth in this OP (I might bring some up in the comments, too) is cross-platform play:
[spoiler]Before you tell me how implausible it is, how Microsoft and Sony wouldn't allow it, how, if there was a PC version, their users would dominate, or how I'm a stupid dingus moron idiot poop face for even mentioning this..... I know. I've taken all of this (particularly the last one) into account before typing this out. Despite the opinions of some, I do put quite a large amount of work into almost all of my threads. Allow me to spell this one out in a point/counterpoint manner. If you feel I've inaccurately represented the "point" side, please let me know.
[u]Point[/u]: PC users would dominate play in cross-platform combat.
[u]Counterpoint[/u]: I'm envisioning a system of cross-platform play that is entirely cooperative. Remember those "raids" we've been hearing about? I think situations like that -- large battles between AI and users on an epic scale -- could very much be assisted by cross platform play both to increase the amount of people involved in the raids, as well as to mingle the two (or three) communities.
I'm not sure how voice chat would work, perhaps it would go through a Bungie-hosted voice server or a Bungie-hosted, client-run voice chat program in the game (like Teamspeak) so that the two (or three) platforms could all talk to each other without the consoles' differences in code or whatever interfering.
Either way, I think this could be a really cool, harmless way to integrate a system like this into the game.
[u]Point[/u]: Sony and Microsoft won't allow this to happen; it hurts their respective brands.
[u]Counterpoint[/u]: With the next (next) generation of gaming upon us, consoles and their manufacturers have to be prepared to do something new. Last generation had the introduction and popularization (and misuse of the idea of) motion controls, the mass popularization of the FPS with Halo and CoD, as well as the introduction (of sorts) and popularization of open-world, sandbox games (Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, more GTA, Saints Row III, etc.). This next generation's gotta do something different, and, if last generation is any indication it seems like the first thing it's doing is tablet play along with a console game. That next thing, in my opinion could very well be the hyper-popularization of cross-platform play.
Think about it, game controller manufacturers (mainly from the 360 side, I don't see many for the PS3) already sell different controllers that help you get a leg-up on your competition. Why not also have consoles advertising that buying 720 or buying PS4 will, in some respect, give you a leg-up on the other console's competition? Car companies do this. Sports accessories and apparel companies do this. Why not game console manufacturers?[/spoiler]
So, to reiterate, what do you think could be the major [i]thing[/i] that puts Destiny on the map? What'll be its major selling point other than (what will hopefully be) the first widely successful console MMOFPS (I know it's "Shared World", but that's just because of the console's limitations when it comes to the MMO- part of that genre name).
Please leave your ideas in the comments.
Your Friend,
Extra Z
e: formatting fixed.
What will make it big? The Bungie name and quality, the backing of Activision, and the kickass community.
What will make Destiny big? The fact that Bungie is developing the game already makes it big. :)
I agree on everything you said. I would love an Eve Online sized universe. The entire game running in one world. Customization, massive group benefits, the ability to build or destroy structures. It would be epic to say the least. Cross platform would be sweet! At least within the brands. Because the next gen systems would lack population at first.
Edited by THORSGOD: 2/27/2013 3:11:14 AMI would seriously dig large expansive environments, with amazing geography. What would make it really cool though is watching re-colonization take place across the games. So in the first game it'd be ruins and emptiness, then as it went on there'd be more human settling on the planets depending on how your quest went. just saying. I'm hoping what puts Destiny on the map is it being as perfect of a game as possible. There will always be people who complain because a rock doesn't have the proper geometry or something silly, but a game that nailed all of the common areas of complaints or praise in games would be amazing.
possibly from the ease to pick up and play, like the halo series, and the first real cross platform. possibly the first time xbox and ps players will truely work together. that something id volenteer with bungie to see happen. speaking from a xbox standpoint. i mean id love to work with the ps guys to scout an area in our hunter party, then go back to the massive group of pc guys and launch a huge raid. The more i think about it, the more i think this might be a true fps/rts mmo. takeing areas and defending them. with everyone.
Seeing awesome stuff.
This game excites me because it's made by Bungie and so far Bungie has never dissapointed me.
I think that planet size environments would an awesome thing because non of us has encountered that before and i think thats what bungie and activision are trying to do. If this game comes out to be the way they say its going to be either the game could be the new begging of FPS or the game could go down in the gutter. but honestly i would love to see what this game is really about. they say that you can customize your character. modify your vehicles and also modify your gear. but what i would like to know is the customizations going to be limited or do would we have free roam to do whatever we want and make the character that everyone would be like woe holy shit look at this. but we wouldnt know until gameplay trailers or something along those lines comes out for this game. To be honest i cant wait to see what they are going to do with this game.
Edited by R6Nighthawk: 2/27/2013 2:01:22 AMLike others said, just huge, lootable, explorable landscapes featuring unexpected player encounters would be one thing I'm hoping for. Not PLANET-sized environments (as Toxifies said, that's just so huge it's silly)... but something along the lines of cyrodiil (oblivion) or a bit smaller sounds viable perhaps. As for pvp, really looking forward to what they've got to reveal when that time comes. It would be awesome to see "uncharted", lawless worlds that you can loot for very powerful pieces of equipment, but it would come with the danger of unrestricted pvp (not to mention the much tougher AI combatants).
Edited by x Sir G Omer x: 2/27/2013 1:19:45 AMI have no idea how, but I think they will revolutionize the general multiplayer experience. They did this with the Halo franchise, and they will do it again with Destiny. Jason Jones wouldn't say the phrase "turn it (FPS genre) on its head again" if he didn't mean it. Part of that will be the seamless in and out of players for co-op, but I think they have some crazy things up their sleeves for competitive play that we could not even dream of. Something that mixes the hardcore shooter qualities of Halo 3, the unique battle interactions of BioShock (magic, interactive environment, etc) and the creativity and magnitude of Minecraft. Sounds weird, but in the deep recesses of my mind it makes sense to me. Here's to hoping!
I want explorable land. I LOVE exploring and I am hopeful there will be vast amounts of space to play in.
continuous updating of missions/quests. Kinda like spartan ops, but better done. So like side chapters in the books that the campaign seems to be formatted. Also, I would like to see a PvP that isn't repetitive.
I am very excited but one thing that scares me is that if u look in the trailer it shows some stats and one of them is energy, and i hate the whole energy thing with some games and if destiny has energy many people will not buy the game
Edited by o0MrCheesy0o: 2/26/2013 6:13:11 PMI think Destiny will be focused on the social experience more than anything else. With Halo Bungie saw how players loved playing with one another, but in Halo it was very strict - you either played PvP or co-op campaign. Destiny wants to explore players' thirst for social interaction. I don't think the scale will be unprecedented, purely because it's running on old hardware. How big a universe can you fit onto a 8 gig DVD? MMOs like WoW are what, 10-20 gigs? I think Destiny will be Borderlands-esque. Unprecedented social interaction will make it big, if it has good gameplay (:- )
Although this might not be the BIG thing for most people, but the Story and how it is told will definitely make-or-break the game. I'll play the game, heck, I'll probably enjoy it, but I feel it's the story that connects me to a world the most, and without a good one, I don't think I'll be playing this for years to come. Now am I really worries about the story? Not much. I hold Bungie in high regards, and I think they can pull through.
If they have spacecraft races!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Server and server structure. They're going to need to have some strong server technology going on in the background. I expect something akin to Guild Wars 2 and how it operates. People just load into the server you're on, and there are many of them. If you're out in the world, people just seemlessly load into where you are - even if you couldn't see them previously. Basically, once a "server" is full, it creates a second duplicate copy of that area, and sends people to it instead. Of course, Guild wars 2 allows many more people per server than Destiny would, so there would have to be many copies of the same areas. I think they can do it though. But that'll be their biggest challenge from what I can tell.
People for some reason think they would want entire planets explorable. That doesn't even sound cool. Good luck finding other players spread out over 9 planets when there are only thousands of players on at one time. If this game becomes extremely popular, I only see like 100k people on at any given time on any console, I doubt you would find anybody if they were all spread out on 9 different planets that are each the size of an actual planet. Just thinking about that idea is silly. It won't happen and you wouldn't even like it, trust me.
Edited by Apotheosis: 2/28/2013 12:25:56 AM37:05 It was confirmed at bungie's press event that there will be no cross platform play. The guy who attended the event also made it seem very likely that there would be no PC version.
I don't know, doesn't it have a free roam thing? I' pretty sure that will make it big.
I believe what will make Destiny big, is the fact that Bungie made it! :D
Edited by Goldeneye: 2/26/2013 7:38:24 AMI think the selling point for Destiny is that it's on a console. Theres something about consoles that just make you come back for more. Also Destiny being an always changing world, even when you think you might have exhausted the game, there's still more to do. Big is good, but too big can be too much too explore (especially with no vehicles) So hopefully we get vehicles early in the game: Speeders, and ships. By the way i doubt they will have Seven planets. Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter are all gas planets, sooooooooooo you can't walk on them or traverse on them because they aren't solid. Mercury is to close to the sun, so only Venus, Earth, and Mars are where we the world might be. 3 planets, that's a lot.
Edited by Dovahkiin: 2/26/2013 4:25:25 PMThe only way Destiny is going to surprise is by introducing gameplay which is new and fresh, something that gamers have never experienced. It has to be like CE, an innovation.
[url][/url] Check this idea for PvP out.