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[url=]Malaysian Tapir[/url]
[url=]South American Tapir[/url]
[url=]Baird's Tapir[/url]
[url=]Mountain Tapir[/url]
Of these Tapir's, which would you say is the most meritorious acquisition?
Tapir's have exceptionally long penises relative to their body size, which are prehensile. Will this trait, do you think, cause me any disquiet?
I want to be fully versed in all lore pertaining to the Tapir before I attain the stewardship of such a beast because animal smuggling is not an inexpensive undertaking.
You should get an Austrailian Flatback Tapir. Known in some parts as the "-blam!- cow", this tapir earns it's poor reputation through a rather unique mating ritual. In an effort to impress females, males will "-blam!-" other nearby animals, objects, and even people, similar to the rare "[url=]-blam!- parrot[/url]" of Angola.