Hi yesterday i posted a thread about what part i will get when i build my pc(today). And since then i have made some adjustments to the list. So before i go out and buy the parts i wondered if some one want to take a look and give me some feedback. ps i wont change the gpu, case or the motherboard. Thanks in advance.
Oh and do you guys have any suggestion for a mouse and keyboard im currently looking at the CM Storm Quickfire Rapid Red Switch. but for the mouse i have no idea what to get.
And sorry for any grammar fails.
Alright. Hopefully some of this helps out. I recently finished my build on Christmas, and I am upgrading my GPU very soon as well. Your RAM seems a little expensive for just 2 sticks of 4 GB. You could easily get that for about $40. It is compatible with your motherboard though, so it isn't a needed switch. For the mouse you could go with just about any, but me and my friend have been looking at [url=http://www.amazon.com/Upgraded-Anker-Precision-Programmable-Cartridge/dp/B00AAQRNQ8/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1362140950&sr=8-6&keywords=dpi+mouse]this.[/url] I don't know if you will be able to find that one in stores though, but it seems to be very good at a fantastic price. Cooling wise for your CPU. You don't need any, it comes with a stock fan. Although if you want to over clock then I recommend [url=http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=35-103-099&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&Pagesize=10&PurchaseMark=&SelectedRating=-1&VideoOnlyMark=False&VendorMark=&IsFeedbackTab=true&Keywords=3570k&Page=1#scrollFullInfo]this.[/url] Pretty good price and with those kind of reviews it really can't be bad. Your power supply will work perfectly fine for you...now. If you want to upgrade later such as doubling your graphics card you will need to also buy a new power supply. You can use [url=http://images10.newegg.com/BizIntell/tool/psucalc/index.html]this[/url] to see how much power you need to run your build. With your build I hit about 450 watts, but with 2 gpus I went over 620 watts. This is just a warning to save you money if the long run, but even if you want to upgrade later you can just get a completely new gpu and either sell your old one or just toss it. I know you aren't changing it, but I prefer EVGA. Their customer service is fantastic, and if you get a DOA it will help you out. Plus their is no downside to switching really. If you need a monitor then just make sure you get the resolution you want, and get the time on it to be 5ms or lower. This will prevent ghosting. Hope your build goes well, and remember to use a shock guard when building. You really don't wanna burn out a piece before you get to use it. Especially in the winter this is a must.