You may have seen some web pages that include a hit counter as an image; whenever the page loads the image changes to show how many times the page has been viewed. Here's how to do it on
1. Find a service that allows you to create an image, even just a pixel, to use as a hit counter. Google can help: [google]free image hit counter[/google]. I'll be using [url=][/url] here.
2. Generate a new hit counter. These services will typically allow you to choose between different styles for your counter, like [url=]these[/url]. The service may also ask you for a starting count, for which you should put in 0, possibly a URL to the web page you'll be placing it on (but you may not need to use it), as well as other options for registering your counter and providing analytics. If you're using, choose your counter style, put in a 0, delete the contents of the textbox asking for a URL, then hit OK.
3. At this point you should be given a unique URL to an image (which may not end in .jpg, .png, etc...), but you may also get a URL which does not look unique. When using, you'll see some text in a textbox. Copy it out and get the image src from it. For instance:[quote]<!-- begin hit counter code --><a href=""><img style="border: 0px solid ; display: inline;" alt="tumblr hit counter"
src="[b][/b]"></a><br /><a href="">hit counter</a><!-- end hit counter code -->[/quote]The only part you need is in bold. Note: if you receive anything else, like <script>s, find another service to use as you cannot embed these in posts. It must be a URL to an image.
4. When typing up your post, place the URL you retrieved in step 3 into the share image textbox above the post you're typing. If the URL you have does not end in a standard image file extension (.jpg, .gif, .png, etc...), will see it as a regular hyperlink. In which case simply add "#.jpg" to the end. For example:[quote][/quote]
That's all there is to it. Some services may count every page view (each time the image is loaded) while others may only count unique views (once someone has loaded the image once it only counts as one view). Also note that this won't count the people who haven't [url=]set the option[/url] to auto-expand images, but it will count their view once they expand it if they choose to.
If only I could save threads so that I could remember how to do this