Well it’s time once again to open the Community’s mailasack. I’m no mail man for Bungie like DeeJ, but I like learning about the community through these wonderful Q&A sessions. It’s like a little window into other member’s brains. As long as you guys keep asking questions, the Communisack will live on. With Destiny getting closer and closer we’ll be sure to see some really interesting new members and awesome questions. Now, let’s begin.
This week’s panel was automagically picked straight from the questions thread through the magic of technology (I have an app for that).
[quote]ECOH Cam (Not to be confused with EvilCam)
DE4THINC4RN4TE (Loves the number 4)
IslocStarkiller (Sith apprentice)
Gorocurt (Professional pizza-eater)
Goldhawk (Animal-enthusiast)[/quote]
Let’s hit the ground running, go.
[/quote][b]Jailbot [/b]- What's your biggest pet peeve?[/quote]
I don't think I have one. Nothing that really could be identifibly set apart from temporary annoyance or frustration.
Jackal snipers (I was just playing Halo 2 on Legendary)
[i]Real men and women play on Mythic.[/i]
Definitely when a person makes gross noises while eating. That includes loud chewing, smacking of lips, slurping, and of coarse, that loud, sausagey burp that fills the room with the scent of a stomach that is thoroughly digesting food.
I'm going to go with Cats. They've somehow worked their way into the heart of the interwebz, but haven't even gotten rid of their attitude. Plus they're a competitor against Bungie for World Domination, so their's that.
[b] DE4THINC4RN4TE[/b]
I work as a pizza delivery guy. People who order delivery and their home is either really hard to find, or just not on standard GPS, and they don't give us any special directions to help with finding the place. I wish people would think about others more often, especially in the food industry.
[b]ECOH Cam[/b]
[i]I know that feel all too well. I’m a bus boy (I clean up after people who just got done eating).[/i]
[quote][b]CTN[/b] - What is it that kept you here through the darkness?[/quote]
A combination of habit and the people. Mostly habit I have to admit, but some of you are alright (I guess)
[i]Oh you![/i]
I stayed for the lame jokes and the positivity of the people. Like the Bad Brains, the community got that PMA.
The sense of community shared between the few that stayed. There was also the unforgettable, mature, ever-so-helpful flood that provided sophisticated humor and breaking news.
All of you people. Seriously, this Community is unbelievably awesome. We've got Community Projects, DeeJ sponsored Activities, and Great people. What's not to love?
[b] DE4THINC4RN4TE[/b]
My answer is probably the same as everyone else. It's definitely the Community. Meeting new people and having game nights were the main reasons I made Bnet my main residence online.
[b]ECOH Cam[/b]
[quote][b]Anroll[/b] - What is the thing Destiny has hyped you up the most?[/quote]
Despite being here for well over 7 years now, i've managed to stay spoiler free for the most part. The only interaction i've had with Destiny is a sample of forum speculation and the trailer; so what has hyped me the most? - probably the unknown element. It has been a long time since i've signed into a game for the first time with very little apprecation as to what it is and what form it will take. I hope I maintain that fresh aspect to Destiny as DeeJ and co turn the dimmer switch back up.
Hmm… probably the Rick-Grimes-look-a-like-magnum-man-gun, shown off in the vidoc at around 2:38.
Besides having a whole new Universe to explore, I'd say the "Social Experience" Bungie is marketing it as. I love playing games with my Friends and Clan, so this seems like a very promising feature for me.
[b] DE4THINC4RN4TE[/b]
I like the way the game is made to be played co-operatively. It's the reason I liked Borderlands so much. Playing with friends is so much better than playing by yourself in most situations. I can't wait to see the scale of the "open world" as well.
[b]ECOH Cam[/b]
[quote][b]MiloOmega[/b] - If you could do one thing for the community, what would you do and why?[/quote]
Perhaps facilitate more meetings between community members, as that for me has been the most rewarding part of the bungie experience.
This is ripe for the classic “your mom” cop-out, but I’m going to roll with giving everyone a steak dinner who deserves a steak dinner, and I would choose this simply to troll Morrissey.
[i]Your mom![i]
Destroy the tag system. We all hate it, right?
Already working on that. Check back in a few months. It's gonna be awesome.
[b] DE4THINC4RN4TE[/b]
It's something that I have done in the past. And that's the Community Joes interviews. I had a blast running that project with Clone and Arbitor. Getting to know the Community and letting the rest of the Community discover itself was such an awesome experience. Unfortunately, the darkness has passed and everyone's frame of mind is more focused on "Destiny".
[b]ECOH Cam[/b]
[quote][b]PVSpartanL36[/b] - Favorite animated movie of all-time. Go![/quote]
Lion King (Obviously)
Little Nemo.
It’s a tough decision, but I think I'll go with Shrek.
Anything that has Batman in it. He is Vengeance. He is the Night. HE. IS. AWESOME.
Plus he's better than Superman. *ActivatesFlameSuit*
[b] DE4THINC4RN4TE[/b]
Toy Story, hands down.
[b]ECOH Cam[/b]
[quote][b]EpicWaffles[/b] - Greatest accomplishment?[/quote]
Probably graduating University last year, although I still don't see it as an accomplishment, rather something I expected of myself. I think it'd be presumtious of me to say i've really accomplished anything meaningful, so until that day I guess graduating uni will be my half assed answer. At least for another 8 months, then i can say graduating with a Masters degree.
Playing an E for 20 minutes. My friend and I tuned our guitars differently (EBEEBE and EG#EG#EG#, respectively) and played an impromptu hyper-glam-guitar composition. We had a blast and people ACTUALLY enjoyed it.
I'll have you know, I once got over FIFTY likes on an original comment I made on Facebook.
I'd have to say getting into College early. It's really helping me to kickstart life. Stay in School kids.
[b] DE4THINC4RN4TE[/b]
It's pretty corny, but putting together a senior thank you video for the teachers at my high school. It involved interviewing around 50-60 students (we had about 800 students in my grade level). I just wish I could have gotten a copy of it to keep.
[b]ECOH Cam[/b]
[quote][b]ECOH Cam[/b] - With April Fool's coming up in about a month (not sure if the Communisack will be here for the week of April Fool's), what's the best prank you've ever pulled on someone?[/quote]
I can often make people think i'm interesting. While it's not specifically a April fools prank, it's certainly needs commended for how often I manage it.
I’ve never been much of a prankster, but I’m looking to change that. If you have any cool ideas, PM me. Or you could, you know, impatiently tell me to use the search bar.
Two or three years ago, my friends and I pranked my friend who was pretty scared of Slenderman. One day, we all were hanging out at his house at night, the dude who was afraid went to sleep. One of my friends, who was really tall and underweight, wore a black suit and tie with a white shirt. The other guy and I drew circles with exes through them all over the walls. Then we covered ourselves in fake blood. He hid in the closet, I lied facedown in the bathroom. When the dude woke up, all he found was our "corpses" and then walked into his living room to find Slenderman symbols. That's when the tall guy walks out wearing his mask and outfit. Needless to say, he was pretty freaked.
Okay this is a good one. I took every bit of food in the house and shoved it into the pantry. I told them THAT was the Prank. The real Prank is that a few Nerf Dart Guns were rigged to fire when the door opened just enough for a dart to get through the crack. It had a stash of Darts of untold hugeness. It also auto reloaded and reset when the door was closed. For the whole day, whenever someone got hungry, they'd go to the Pantry door and get hit with about 20+ Darts before they could close the door. The reactions were priceless since at first they could figure out who was firing darts at them.
[b] DE4THINC4RN4TE[/b]
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en-us/Forum/Post?id=59946019&path=1]*continued below[/url]
A pleasure to participate as always. (You should probably directly link the second reply to this thread at the end of the first, so it doesn't get lost in an endless stream of nested replies)