originally posted in:Destiny
After watching (re-watching, oh, and re-re-watching, and so on...) the [url=http://youtu.be/EwOUi4JDC4o?t=1m20s]Destiny_ViDoc[/url], I noticed the 1:20 mark and honed in on the left hand side, where it seemed to show an early version of some sort of menu. It lists several options: [b]Home:[/b] [i]The City[/i] (main starting point I assume), [b]Chapter 3:[/b] [i]Shores of Time[/i] (campaign I assume), [b]Bounty[/b] (it mentions weekly bonuses, and notice the 2 of 3 stars lit up to the right), [b]Strike:[/b] [i]Random Hopper[/i], [b]Raid:[/b] [i]Depth of Darkness[/i] and [b]Faction Wars:[/b] [i]Random Hopper[/i].
This menu makes me think quite a bit. First, what does everyone think about the Faction Wars? Do you think the campaign will be PVP or can you only fight other factions when you select that last random hopper on the menu? Will the Faction Wars be a separate instance from everything else, or will it transport you to a PVP heavy area within the game?
What do you think the Bounty system will entail? What could the stars represent? Anyone else find something interesting relating to the game modes?
bounty will be pretty interesting, hopefully you can hunt down other players , if there killing players, it would be cool to see someone have over a million currency on there head[b] "DEAD OR ALIVE"[/b]. But im guessing bounty will probably entail NPC targets.