I would like for the members of this site to answer a survey that I created for my English class. It is on the subject "video game therapy". This is part of a semester long research project, so I ask if you choose to help me out, that you take this seriously. I was mainly interested in this subject due to a certain bias that video games aren't useful for much other than entertainment. I figured, what better place to get responses from than my fellow Flood members.
A few basics:
-There are ten questions
-It should take no more than a few minutes to complete
-I do not ask for any personal information other than your age
-There are open-ended responses, but you can write as little or as much as you wish
-I want to get at least 30 responses
[b][u]Here is the link:[/b][/u] [url]http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6SGM7RH[/url]
I would be extremely grateful if you helped me out on this one, I really have few other places at which I could get enough responses for a sample size. After I compile the results in a few days, I will post and update in a separate thread. If you know anyone who would be willing to take this, I would be extremely grateful if you let them know. I will check back here regularly.
For discussion value, feel free to discuss the survey or the whether you think video games are a good tool for therapy, physical and mental.
I need about 18 more responses guys, thanks for the help so far!