^^^thats what I wanted. That second picture looks especially awesome. The pirate thing looks pretty cool and I'm sure it'll be a fun game, but I would much rather ninja's and samurai
EDIT: apparently that's china, but still awesome though
I just hope this is the last AC game for awhile.
I thought the series should have ended at Revelations honestly. This is their 6th game in 5 years.
Personally, I kind of miss the original playstyle of the franchise. I mean, the fighting is awesome and a lot of fun, but I loved how you didn't have much health in AC1, forcing you think think out assassination tactics, and actually be stealthy rather than charge in screaming while swinging an axe around. Personally, I'd love for them to include a difficulty setting, that way you can choose to be psycho on easy, or stealthy on hard.
Well the thing is, is that you already are a combination of Ninja and Samurai. You have your signature blade(Samurai), You rely on stealth to give you an advantage over your enemies(Ninja), You have a code(Samurai, could also apply to the ninjas, but I'm not as familiar with them as I am with samurai), you kill the leaders and the important figures of your enemy(Ninja), you defend the innocent against the oppression of your enemy(Samurai, or at least that's how they'd like to be remembered), you have many different gadgets to get your job done and you don't get all tied up in honour in how you kill your enemy(Ninja). That's essentially what the Assassin's are, they are Ninja-Samurai in a sense. They take the strong moral code and philosophical aspects of the Samurai and mix it with the brutal effectiveness and clandestine nature of the Ninja. You've already got what your Ninja-rai, time for the pirates.
The naval sequences in AC3 were -blam!-ing horrible. It's going to be an annoying game, I'm sure, but I'll still get it.
You play as an Assassin Pirate! Black Beard is also in it, what more could anyone want?
I'm still waiting for an AC set in Victorian London. Do it Ubisoft, DO IT!
Still holding out hope for a story based around Jack the Ripper, and for one set in ancient Japan.
I'm just wondering who we'll be flashing back from since desmond died. Also new protagonist looks the most badass so far
The whole pirate thing in AC4 sounds really stupid, but those China themes look bad too. AC3's theme was -blam!-ing terrible as well.
These pics looks like a Chinese theme; I think that would be an AWESOME to be around when fire works were invented and guns!
I knew they were going to elaborate on the naval gameplay. It was too obvious. They loved it too much, and it was surprisingly satisfying.
Wait, there's already an Assassin's Creed 4? It's only been like a year since 3 came out.
Edited by Green Twister: 3/5/2013 9:21:57 PMit will be the same as the others that is why it will be yearly release just different kinda story
Well the concept is pretty cool, but I've been bored of AC for a while now so I don't think I'll be getting this game on release. But I do think the concept is cool. He seemed like a badass in the trailer, but I won't be fooled by a flashy trailer to play a game I don't really like. I always wanted a Japanese setting where you played as a ninja.
I never really played Assassins Creed...never interested me. Is it that good? Should I play All of them before this one comes out!
Edited by JoinedCandy: 3/5/2013 5:09:29 PMHuh, I thought it was already confirmed ACIV would be pirates [url=http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/gaming/2013/03/04/ubisoft-assassins-creed-black-flag/1961361/] Confirm[/url] Also, I stopped after ACII, I feel AC is the new CoD
I just want to return to the urban sprawl rather than care about these large, open playspaces. ACI and II had the best settings, by far.
Chinese AC would be cool, but I really liked the boat sections in AC3 so an entire game utilizing it would be fantastic for me.