This thread is inspired by another: view original post
Well, I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but here goes:
During my time here at, I've heard words tossed around. Certain ones, namely : reactive, breathing, alive, and changing; all of these words pertaining to one thing: Destiny.
In order to truly make a game that is a living and changing environment, wouldn't it make sense to include a weather system?
For example: You are on a rainy slope, you obviously do not have as much traction or control as you'd like. What if your character reacted to the rain? I mean, maybe an occasional slip? If you can climb or something in Destiny, what if you just slip more often depending upon weather conditions? This is all purely conjecture, mind you.
Can you see environments being created and destroyed? For example, a tornado rolls by a small village. The village is devastated and needs rehabilitation. Things like that, that's what I'm talking about!
Bottom line: Do you think that we will see changes in weather (i.e. Tornados, Thunderstorms, Wildfires), and their effect on the world around them?
What do you guys think?
I Could see this happening. Maybe an island or piece of land is unreachable due to deep water, then days later its frozen over, then days later its melted back to water, it would allow a certain timed aspect to reaching new areas. We may even see a volcano erupt, I can Imagine that destruction on a city or town since the Concept Art has shown pics of Lava flowing