Did you like it if you have played it?
[spoiler]Personally I found a clone Commander Shepard to be a real big twist. Nobody could have predicted that was going to happen. Plus the Silversun Strip and the party at Shepards new apartment are excellent.[/spoiler]
For those of you who're not interested in purchasing the DLC I took the liberty of recording the whole main story (but not the party). If you're interested in watching you can view the various parts on my YouTube Channel located [url=https://www.youtube.com/user/anarmouredcat?feature=watch]here.[/url] I am uploading the various parts now.
How do you get your teammates to come to your apartment? Never figured that one out. Not for the party just on the visits when they email you. And I loved it. [spoiler]I honestly had no idea what to do with the clone shepard. I killed him in the end though. What did you do?[/spoiler]