This is beyond disgusting and criminal.
American drones have probably killed dozens of innocent pakistan citizens caught up in the taliban-pakistan border war, are their lives worth less than an American?
Criminals are criminals. Does it matter where they're living?
Headlines as follows on the index page. -Bill Gates Buys Media Coverage to Convince Us He’s Doing “God’s Work” -Shadowy Syrian Opposition Group Kidnaps United Nations Peacekeepers -Marine Corps Veteran Questions DHS on Huge Ammo Buys -Media Caught Working With White House in Giant Hoax The who-is info on that site is hilarious. Scare tactic site is scaring the right wing, just as its designed too. Nothing to see here folks, Carry on.
Sure, it's not disgusting and criminal to kill other people from other countries, but this hypothetical situation is. Hypocrites. Hypocrites everywhere.
Meh. I mean, if lethal force is authorized... The thing is here, is that it's completely hypothetical. They said only in extreme scenarios. Besides, it's not like they're just going to randomly bomb people, it'd be with good reason (I hope). Besides, if murdering Americans is the problem, do you have a problem with SWAT teams and police using lethal force to subdue a known criminal? They said it wouldn't be used just on some "suspect." They'd have to have concrete evidence.
Don't worry, guys.
You know, I don't see anything in the article that says anything about missiles getting fired at people in the U.S. Geez, it just said that it [i]could[/i] happen and not it has or will happen.
Why do you always feel the need to blow this crap way out of proportion?
so ur implying that killing americans is somehow worse then calling someone of another nationality
I'm fine with it, as long as, like the man said, it is extreme circumstances, and there is little to no risk of collateral damage.
Sensational thread title is sensational. The problem I have with this is that they define the strikes as only being pursued under "extreme circumstances", yet vaguely define what these circumstance would be.
i dont care about the lives of americans
Not a single -blam!-
Did drones really kill people on US soil?
Order a drone to kill someone overseas ... fine. Send in a drone to kill allied forces ... oopsie, our bad. Use these same tools in our back yard ... shock ?!? Honestly, America has always been a thug. - N.Korea, you cant have nukes, can anyone count how many America has? - China, you cant threaten disputed territory, but America can assist in the overthrow of another (not even theirs)? - [url=]Does the US hold a grudge[/url], yep economic sactions from 50 years ago against Cuba. (rule - you mess with US, we dont forget ... unless [url=]we favour you, then never can you do wrong[/url])
What, was this thread not good enough for you?
[b]WARNING[/b] If you're a sane person, or you're in a good mood, do NOT read the comment section of this article.
Honest to god, I don't know what the hell has happened. Someone explain?
Quit dramatizing things. They're talking threat level red national security scenarios right here, as if the country was under attack and they had literally no choice. It's not "disgusting" or "criminal," it's common friggin' sense.
far more disgusting and criminal in my opinion.
How is using a drone to kill someone in one part of the world so much worse than using a drone to kill people at another part of the world?
Well I mean if they deserve it, or there's like an invasion or something and we want to stop it ASAP.
Edited by Section Ratio General: 3/6/2013 9:33:38 AM[quote]In a letter to Paul dated on Monday, Holder said it was possible, "I suppose," to imagine an "[u]extraordinary circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate[/u]" under U.S. law for the president to authorize the military to "use lethal force" within the United States.[/quote] In a summarized form for you: It'll only happen if something as big as Pearl Harbor 1941 happens. Edit: Also, there are members on both parties being cool with it. Also, the link title is too misleading. Obama =/= Holden.