Alot of people on twitter are posting "#endwomensuffrage" thanks to /b/ and their antics, thinking it means end women suffering.
Funnily enough what they're actually tweeting is "End women's right to vote" and God it's hilarious.
I saw someone make a petition at a presitgious all womens university to end Women's suffrage. A whole one girl out of like twenty actual refused to sign.
One of the few times /b/ is great these past few days. Most of the time its just porn threads, reposts, newfags shitting up the place and furries.
Historians will one day try to write a detailed account of what happened durring the information age. I hope they do not waste too much time before they realize that they can only provide an overview, for it will be worthless to note such frivolous things as this unless something comes of it. Also, sarcasm is annoyingly difficult to disconcern through only text.
I was actually on /b/ about a week ago, lurking, going through the thread where they were planning this. My God, they were thorough and sneaky as fuck.
This was so much funnier when the Man Show did it. 4chan is unoriginal. I am disappoint.
The Man Show did that like a decade ago. 4chan is WAY behind the times.
(hey man) my schooldays insane (hey man) my works down the drain (hey man) well she's a total blam-blam She said she had to squeeze it but she..and then she..
loltwitter This is what happens when you listen to 4chan. I still have yet to enter that blamhole.
Edited by Spectre_95: 3/8/2013 4:21:39 AMMorons. Absolute morons. I hope natural selection takes them all. Some of these idiots really do need their suffrage taken away
Bravo 4chan, bravo
Seriously with the amount of people that have fallen into the the traps of 'ending suffrage', I am surprised that everyone doesn't know the meaning of suffrage by now.
Suffrage....... Suffering...... Suffrage.....?? Suffering.....??? Yep. They're the same.
This is what the internet was designed for. Those situations where you try to take back a mistake but you can't because someone else already saved it.
And this is when it pays off to know the meaning of words. If I had a Disappoint-O-Meter, it would be close to the very top right now.
I laughed pretty hard. And then posted on Twitter about it.
It's good to know what words mean.
Oh, 4chan!
What board on 4chan started this? I've browse /b/ semi-regularly and I haven't heard about this, they're usually the ones that do this kind of stuff. Either way it's hilarious. #EndWomensSuffrage
[quote]Funnily[/quote] Flood never fails to amaze me.
Just gotta love the Internet sometimes.
Good ol' 4chan.
Westerners and their knowledge of democracy.
At least their sentiments are in the right place.
Man, I love this. Even if I loose faith in humanity.
Ahhhh lul