So me and some buddies were drinking, and eventually we got into a debate into who was better at Halo. Drunkedness led to H4 being put into the XBox, and 5 minutes in we decided this wouldn't determine the bet. Having lost my copy of H:CE about a year ago, we decided on H2. I popped in the game and instantly all of us went silent as the initial loading screen popped up and all those memories all of us had flowed through.
We've been playing it for hours now, and finally took a break to make another beer, pizza, and tobacco run. I honestly don't think we'll ever be able to play any other game ever again at a party of any sort now because of this. The amount of fun we've had over the past few hours is ridiculous. Rather than the typical cuss words flying left and right because of COD, laughing and joking was all we did while playing H2 along with the expected nostalgia stories.
It's incrediable to look at a game that's nearly 10 years old and to have more fun with it than any game from the last 5. Having just returned from an iffy deployment, something like this was exactly what everyone needed, rather than expressing anger through cuss words because of -blam!-ed spawns, rather we've come together because of that common ground, and been able to laugh and joke about everything. Bungie, this is why I love you, and times like this remind why I love you guys so much, and why I keep coming back time and time again.
My story aside, who else has experienced a nostalgia level of this size?
I miss the old days.