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4/11/2004 10:00:29 AM

New Forums

Welcome to the new and very sexy Forums! I'm sure all of you know how to use a forum, so I'll skip the silly instructions and get right to the good stuff. What's new and THE RULES! [b]What's NEW:[/b] Layout. Not only is the forum a lot nicer looking than before it is also more functional. Avatars. Check out your My settings link. Then click on Avatar. OMFG SWEET. Forum Polls. This is like the coolest new update to the forum in my opinion. Basically you can create a poll and insert it right into your forum topic! Although, I hear bungie will take this feature away if the master chief loses any popularity forum polls. So it's probably not a very a good idea to make any stosh vs. master chief polls. Text Markup. The text formatting system has been revamped a bit for the new It's now much easier to use and new users should be able to decipher it without needing a team of geeks at their disposal. Practice the text markup options [url=]here.[/url] Chars Left. Check out this feature located on the bottom left of your post field. It counts the amount of characters you have left for your post in real time. Neat, huh? Pin. If your forum post is really awesome, we can pin it. Basically pinning will make your post stick to the top of the forum. It will be uneffected by time, meaning it will stay up there until we unpin it. Delete. The new system won't leave icky forum data residue anymore when we delete ugly forum posts. They will just disappear. Like a bad forum post should. Lock. We can lock forum posts now. Locking is just another feature we will use to combat user immaturity and senseless forum topics. I would also like to note that all three forums will be moderated daily. Rude users will never ruin your day on one of our forums again. Promise. [b]The RULES:[/b] Please DO NOT advertise your chapter here. You can use the seventh column [url=]mainpage[/url] for that. No petitions. Do not link to adult content or to sites that contain information on any type of software piracy. No bad jokes. Xbox hacking/modding discussions will not be permitted on any of the forums. Don't Flame each other. Use your manners and common sense. If you disagree with someone, do so gracefully. Noob, Newbie, N00b, and any other variants on the word newb are hereby banned from use on this forum. Any user who violates this rule will be put to [url=]death[/url]. There are plenty of more rules I could list, but I mean only a brain damaged monkey would break them. Use common sense and your very best online etiquette. Read the [url=]terms[/url] of use and [url=]code of conduct[/url] for more specific dos and donts. Suggestions: Use a spell checker to check your posts for misspellings. There's no point in making a forum topic if we can't understand it because of multiple spelling errors. Don't use stupid abbreviations. (Example: Your = ur, You = u, Are = r, Halo: CE) P.S. If you have any suggestions/complaints/questions about the new site and its awesome forums, please make them at the [url=]Septagon[/url]. I mean I don't mind moving posts, but you would be nice if I didn't have to. Thanks! That's it! Welcome! Have fun! [Edited on 4/13/2004 12:51:12 AM]

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  • It's going to take me a while to get used to this. I just wish I hadn't tried it first on a 56K modem...

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  • WOW, looks really good. Master Chief would be proud.

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  • Nice Site, just took a while to load up on dail-up! [url=] PlayForeverXbox [/url] on the Xbox Forums!

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  • ~checks that he has played Halo 2~ XD!!! Anyway, good stuff Bungie. The site looks better (except it looks a bit on on my PC's Resolution settings), but over all it's a lot nicer then the origional...

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  • Man, this is the stuff. I'll sure be visiting a lot more now. Good stuff!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Louis Wu Glad to see it up and running on my main computer... much nicer on this big screen. ;) [/quote] Braggart. ;)

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  • Wonderful new forums, guys! I can't wait to hang out here more. :)

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  • Very nice site much better than the old!

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  • Can't add anything new or exciting or original because just about everyone's already said "great site" great work" and "Did I forget to say great site?", but I'm going to say it anyway. "Exemplerary example of awesomeness web creation and designmentation. Superbluous in every facet in media awesomeness. It's totally awesomness in it's awesometatiousness. Awesome awesome." But then, it [i]is[/i] Bungie after all. And they're awesome. Awesome.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos Your sig doesn't show up because normal users can't use image tags. Only us Bungie people - not even stosh - can use images.[/quote] Im glad to hear that. Its anoying to look at:)

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  • This site is great, congratulations to the whole bungie web team.

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  • from where did you get 217? do you know something i don't? SPILL IT! NaaaAAAhHH! I'm freakin out man!

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  • hah.. just figured out how to minimize that navigation menu below.. phew..

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  • He is Doug Boyce, the Test Lead. He spends a lot of time pointing out my mistakes. :) [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Priest Who is weresnail? He edited one of my posts, when the forum wouldn't let me edit it myself. I'm grateful he did so, but who is he? [/quote]

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  • Your sig doesn't show up because normal users can't use image tags. Only us Bungie people - not even stosh - can use images. As for the text, that's easy. Just reduce your text size (in IE, go to View -> Text Size -> select a size, the default is Medium). It only applies to you. Our site is very good about letting you override things like that in the name of usability. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HaloNater What! No abbrevations! Well I can handle it. Well, im...I'm new to these forums. It looks really cool. I just love the avatar options. Hope I dont make any childish topics or posts in the future. :) Umm, is there a way to get the letters on the site smaller? Because my laptop makes them smaller and it would be better if it was on my normal computer. And how come my signature doesn't show up?[/quote]

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  • deffinately excellent job, this is some excellent site design! *kicks the floor* kinda kicks my websites ass...

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  • Doesn't matter. The new Bungie website is great, and this is the first time i been a forum member:) Excellent job Bungie!

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  • What does this mean???????? I'm on to you.... *-* *_* *-*

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Tocki The new is great! Tocki [/quote] Just wait til tomorrow :))))))))))))))))))

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  • The new is great! Tocki [Edited on 4/12/2004 11:50:07 PM]

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  • the old was nice, but the new is very nice. good colors too, and the avatars are great.

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  • Wow, new site looks great, I should be doing work right now but...must look at more stuff... must see it all...

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  • No, [i]I[/i] hope.

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  • What! No abbrevations! Well I can handle it. Well, im...I'm new to these forums. It looks really cool. I just love the avatar options. Hope I dont make any childish topics or posts in the future. :) Umm, is there a way to get the letters on the site smaller? Because my laptop makes them smaller and it would be better if it was on my normal computer. And how come my signature doesn't show up? [Edited on 4/12/2004 10:38:53 PM]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Napoleone Darn..... anyone else having problems getting their Gamertag to show up in their profile? I did the whole Get liked thing, even saw may friends list on the Xbox site, but get nothing here. What gives?[/quote] Hehe. Doesn't surprise me. I'd imagine that anything called "Get liked" wouldn't work for you. On a more serious note, I must join my voice with the current throng of pleased members. Kudos to the staff. Besides the relatively minor problems with the nav bar (it sticks and it gets in the way even when minimized . . . but it still looks cool), the Bungie thing (in the way, but cool), and the slow loading for dialup users, the site is amazing. If I didn't have volunteer work tomorrow morning as usual, I figure I'd be here for a while. Ah, who am I kidding. I'll be here too long anyway. ;) Keep up the good work guys! Just my thoughts, [b]Poocho[/b] :) P.S. One of these days, I'm going to have to use every on of my 10000 characters. (Now at 8980) P.P.S. Where's that new theme I'm pretty sure I remember was announced in one of the new new articles? (8860) [Edited on 4/12/2004 10:34:26 PM]

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  • this is so dame cool! new b-net kicks butt

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