This unneeded sequel to a terrible game releases tomorrow for $40. Predict what score I will give it and what its meta score will be in the coming days. REMEMBER: I use the letter grades.
Well, it is shipping to my house. This will either be a great improvement or a terrible experience that you will enjoy seeing me rage at.
C or C+
Edited by Arbiter 739: 3/12/2013 11:24:03 AMAngryBrute, what if instead of 50% being the 'godawful/utterly-worthless' line, you made it 40? -snip- nopenopenopenopenopenopenope
I'd say it'll get a 6 from reviewers and a C+ from you. I really wish reviewers would use 5 as an average grade and stop giving out so many 9's and 10's. They've lost practically all meaning.