Now comes with laser guns
First the summary
>female friend
>starts being a bitch
>we fall out
>she's glad about it
>I admit my true feelings
>she wonders why I removed her from fb yet doesn't accept my fr
>I tell her bluntly I don't have time for this
So yeah, I log onto fb to find a swear filled rage message, complete with personal attacks and everything, saying things like 'stop accusing me of ignoring you' even though it said she had seen my messages. Also things like 'you don't know me' and all that sorta shit.
I just replied telling her to calm down, and told her to go do all the 'better things she has to do'
So yeah, really pissed ATM cause I thought this would be the end but its still draaaaagging on. So, comments, any advice in where to go from here?
Punch her in the boob.